Arrival (Mira)

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




As soon as the Fasten Seatbelts sign dinged and disappeared I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up to stretch. I was thankful that I was sitting in the aisle seat on the plane so I could raise my arms to try and undo the tightness that had settled into my muscles as it seemed as though I'd been on the plane all damned day. Which, I guess I was. It isn't a quick journey when you fly from Boston to Caracas with multiple layovers.

"Mira! We made it!" called Zoe from a few seats ahead of me.

I just nodded with a smile as she and Faith shared a hug and a quick peck on the lips. I'd love to know why I agreed to go on this trip with two of my exes, who are now happily together, and with another girl who they seem to think will be 'perfect' for me though she already turned me down last year. Not going there again thanks. She was still a good friend though.

"Michelle, wake up, we're here." I nudged the non-ex who was still sleeping next to the window.

She blearily opened her eyes and then mumbled incoherently before unfolding herself from the seat. I didn't know about the other girls, but I needed a shower and a nap before I did anything else. But for now, I stood and waited for the flight crew to get the door open so we could deplane and be on our way.

We'd all just graduated from the same college, UMass Amherst, and this was our last hurrah before joining corporate America in whatever job we decided to try to make a living in. I wasn't looking forward to that decision, and I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my business degree. I knew I'd have to think about that in a couple of weeks when we went back home, but right now I just wanted to enjoy myself. College life hadn't been nearly as fun as I thought it would be, with a string of breakups that had soured me on finding someone special, and a course load that kept me panicked every week with deadlines that I thought would make my brain melt.

But there were some good points. While my relationships with Zoe and Faith didn't pan out, there was just no spark between us, we did end up as good friends. Did it hurt to see them so happy and in love? Sure, but I was only a little bitter because I did want them to be happy. Maybe not in front of me all the time, but I did like that they were good together. Even Michelle was cool, even if we weren't right for each other romantically either.

Other relationships had been bad though. Like Mike in my sophomore year who I was very glad left school last year and moved to Texas. I hope he became a rodeo clown and ended up getting gored a few times by giant bulls. He was the last guy I'd dated and had made me want to turn in my bisexual card. I didn't see myself dipping my toes back into in the male waters again any time soon. I'd been dumped by enough girls to know they weren't all perfect either, but none of them made me feel as crappy as he had.

Whole body shivers were invented for people like him.

But now, I had two weeks to enjoy myself in an exotic foreign country with three friends and a chance to maybe get my spirit back. Technically, I wasn't a college girl anymore, and maybe that would change my luck. Perhaps two weeks of fun and beaches were just what the doctor ordered so that I could get my heart and mind back in the game.

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