𝟬𝟮. Aching Hearts..

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02; Aching Hearts..

02; Aching Hearts

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Elara's eyes darted open, letting out a meek groan as she brought a hand up to rub her throbbing head. She looked up, chocolate eyes being met with a stormy blue. For a second, she thought it was Anakin, with his sandy-blonde hair and his radiant smiles that had lit up her world like a bright sun throughout her life. But, as quickly as the thought came, it disappeared. It was Lidá, and her silky, light blonde hair. Not her beloved lost love, the one whom still had a grip on Elara's dreams.

"Lara, are you alright?"

Elara's eyes turned back to the blue of Lidá's eyes that reminded her of Anakin's, feeling a slight pang go through her stomach.

"Yes, I'm mostly alright. It's just my head; other than that my Celestial abilities saved me. Do you perhaps have any pain killers?" Elara asked drowsily, eyes avoiding the Coruscanti sun blazing in the sky.

Lidá smiled, shaking her head. "I'm afraid not, Lara. But a medical droid is on the way, so I'm sure that it will have some."

Elara nodded, instantly regretting it as a wave of pain burst through the back of her head. Elara took in her surroundings; the landing platform was in complete shambles. With bits of the yacht's hanger shattered around the ground, dust hanging like spiders in webs in the air, and ashes that had stained the ground, leaving black spots everywhere on the ground. Then, suddenly, it hit her. She'd missed the meeting. She'd failed. She'd failed the people. She'd failed the galaxy. She'd failed herself.

"Elara," Lidá's voice called through Elara's shame. "Elara, you must know. The meeting has ended, and none of your colleagues made it to the meeting either. It seems you were all targeted by the same attack."

The words stung Elara like a hornet, leaving a red mark on her delicate skin. So none of us made it. She thought, feeling her throat tighten. No one was there to oppose the bill, to defend the rights of the people. A rush of pure anger roared through her veins, causing her to spring out of Lidá lap.

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