Oh wise wise wise one tell me...

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Ok, loooooong time I know, I've been away these weekends.

This is a super long part to make up for it. 

I loved writing this, please comment!!!!!

Corey's POV:

The program works. It works well. It's taken almost a year to just get this Beta version up and running, and we've had to very much focus it on very specific places for it to work, but the basic principle is- that it is working.

It found the ones that needed help in the area. We have to do a tonne more coding to get it to match on a larger scale, plus the shear amount of data it is going to have to process is going to require some very very high-powered servers, with a lot of storage space.

However, this is beside the point, and the point is that it worked that it freaking worked! Just to note this is a super cool thing! That we got the first two beta tests away from the places where they were unsafe, where they were abused.

Then the first girl, Cass's 'father' has to actually put effort in to getting her back. It's shown us a weakness, we need to keep the parents, or the abusers off the trail of the children once they are free. A heck of a lot more coding for us to do, before we even can scale it up. In way kind of more complicated as well, because we are going to need to block people who are trained to look for missing children, or their families if they find the children. This would be a fun challenge if it wasn't so important and about such a horrible topic.

The father is the issue at the moment, the huge issue. His getting far too close. He has got a lot closer than I was expecting without alerting me, as in the right hospital close to Cass, something that needs to be rectified. Now. Hence why my darling little sis is currently on her way here, so that I can show her the latest disaster we need to deal with.

Leo, lying at my feet senses me starting to tap with nerves and slaps a huge paw on my leg, before yawning and rolling over. Looking remarkably like a house cat rather than a lion. It is kind of weird having a lion who practically sticks to my side, when in the warmth of the house anyway, he is very cat like. It took some getting used to, mainly so that I didn't freak out every time that he appeared at my door, normally looking for attention. Waking up with him over my legs was an experience. I'm just lucky that today we are up 'stairs' and the lambs (now almost fully grown) can't climb.

When he wants to Leo can easily leap from platform to platform and follow me up here. I thought I would hate climbing up here after the time I came and... didn't quite make it up. Yet Sang somehow in between looking after Luke and North, rescuing Cass and Damien and every other one of the hundreds thing she's been doing recently, has found time to just climb with me, over and over again. Until I suddenly wasn't anywhere near as scared anymore.

The pesky 'little' lambs are most likely off bugging Marc since they see him as their 'mum' it's a source of constant teasing for him, but one look and you can see that he loves them, even when they make every job five times harder. Normally they follow Leo everywhere though so I spend a huge amount of time trying to keep seven various crazy lambs in order, when he can be bothered to 'help' they all listen to Leo with no trouble, but he is a cat. He only helps when he wants to.

Turns out I don't need to show her, she bursts through the door about three minutes later and starts to babble.

"We need to edit the program..." I interrupt her quickly

"... to protect them after they are free, I know, we can start when you..." she takes over

"... get Cass and Damien from the hospital they..." I like this new 'able to finish each other sentences' thing we have going on here.

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