S1 Chapter 3 📣Smut warning 📣🌸

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"So what were you doing in the basement kiyomi?" His mother asked curiously.
"I'll show you later it's a surprise." He said with a smile.His father looked at him and grinned.
"So you're going to show both of us now are you?"
"Hm,do you know what kiyomi is going to show us?"
"Yes,I think you'll love it!I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's amazing!"

They all ate dinner and finished cleaning up. "Come on mama,let's go."
They all walked to the basement door,then they went down the stairs,there Atsumu was all tied up.He didn't even know they were there since they didn't close the door on their way in.
Sakusa's mother looked at atsumu before quickly running and kneeling down next to him to untie the blindfold and ropes . "Kiyomi!What did you do!" He yelled, "are you ok my dear?It's all right,I'll untie you,stay still for me."
Unlike his mother his father was congratulating him. "Atta boy!Good job son!"Sakusa looked at atsumu and smirked.
"Don't encourage him!Kiyomi you shouldn't be doing stuff like this!"He untied to ropes around Atsumu's hands and gave him a hug "I'm so sorry darling,that must of been terrifying!It's ok I'll take you ho-"before he could finish he felt a hand around his mouth,he looked up and saw his husband "Oh come on honey,don't ruin kiyomi's moment.I did that to you remember,you were so cute and all tied up!"he removed his hands from his mouth and placed them on his waist picking him up in bridal style. "But I was terrified!I don't want him to feel like I did,please Kiyomi ,let him go!"
"Well we'll be going,you my dear will be getting a punishment tonight.Please excuse the noise,my dear can't control his volume"his mother flushed a shade of red and he started struggling to get out of his grip. "Goodnight son"
"Goodnight"he said before turning towards atsumu.
Sakusa tied Atsumu's hand up again and picked him up "Come on darling let's go to our room."atsumu was trembling and Sakusa could tell "Don't be scared darling this is your home from now on,you can only travel with me you can't go outside of the house without me"
Sakusa placed atsumu on the bed while he got into the shower and washed his hair.Atsumu didn't bother moving or struggling his hand were bound so tight he couldn't even move his wrists.Once Sakusa got out of the shower he put on his boxers and walked up to atsumu.He reached over to atsumu and started to undress him. "Wh-what are you doing?!"said atsumu trying to back away. "Calm down darling ,I'm just going to put you into some pyjamas ." He said now taking all of his clothes of except for his underwear.Sakusa slipped a yellow,oversized hoodie over Atsumu's head,he untied his hands and brought him closer.Sakusa hugged atsumu so tight he couldn't move.
📣Smut warning📣

Suddenly they heard a noise from the other room "A-AAAAH WAIT!SLOW DOWN!PLEASE"Sakusa's mother moaned. " You'll never get used to this will you." Said his father .
"Sorry ,my parents are quite loud so you'll probably here them a lot tonight." Atsumu looked at Sakusa and nodded, "You look so cute sitting here trembling in my arms.I love you tsumu,"he kissed atsumu on the forehead, "Goodnight love" he whispered "Goodnight"atsumu mumbled.

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