S1 Chapter 6🌸

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When atsumu woke up Sakusa had already left,he checked the time and realised it was 11am so he decided to wait until Sakusa's mother brought his lunch and then he would leave.

Atsumu POV:
I have to leave today,otherwise Osamu will be hurt.A couple days ago I spotted a window in Sakusa's room he always left it open since he was a Germaphobe and always wanted a window open for the ventilation.I could leave from there it would be quite easy because Sakusa's bedroom is on the first floor not the second making it easy to climb out and not get hurt.

Knock Knock Knock,I heard a knock on the door and heard a voice from the other side. " Atsumu,it's me I've got your lunch darling"it was Sakusa's mother,I opened the door and she handed me a tray of food "Thank you" I thanked him ,he was the only normal one in this house,I wouldn't mind having him as a mother.
I shut the door and quickly ate my food,I still need some energy if I'm going to save my brother.
Once I'd finished I checked the time it was 3pm ,I grabbed my phone and headed to the window and climbed through it,I didn't realise it would be so easy to escape.I checked my phone for the location and started walking down alleyways and different streets,as I was walking I saw his house,he lived in a mansion it was so big you could see it from a mile away,I was so nervous if he didn't have Osamu I wouldn't be here.
I slowly walked up to the door,I took a deep breath in and rang the doorbell.After a few seconds I heard footsteps running to the door then suddenly the door slammed open and I was dragged inside.

No one's POV:
It was now 4pm and Sakusa's mother went into Sakusa's room, "Atsumu I'm here to collect your tray!" He said and pushed open the door,his eyes widened as he realised atsumu wasn't there.Frantically he searched the room but no Atsumu was found,he grabbed his phone a called Sakusa.

Sakusa was in the gym playing volleyball with his fellow teammates when one of the informed his his mother was calling him,he answered the phone and heard his mother rambling on about something he couldn't understand since he was talking to fast.
"Wait slow down mama,explain it slowly,I can't understand you."
"Atsumu is gone! I went to collect his tray but he wasn't there!I think he got out the window,I don't know what to do!"
"It's ok mama,has he taken his phone?"he asked calmly.
"Um...y-yes I don't see his phone here ."
"Good,don't worry I have a tracker on his phone,I can find him."
"Ok kiyomi ...be careful ok,I don't want you hurt!"
"Ok mama,I can't guarantee but I will do my best for you,I will go now then ok?"
"Ok,bye bye love you Kiyomi"
"Love you too" he said before quickly hanging up,without saying a word he left the club and went looking for atsumu.
His eyes started to glow red and a frightening smile appeared on his face as he continued to walk towards Atsumu's location,he truly was the replica of his father...

I will hopefully be uploading a chapter a day,but bear with me because I don't have that much free time.What do you think will happen next!DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!

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