S1 Chapter 8🌸

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Sakusa looked and saw atsumu passed out on the floor,he was ready to kill.

"Well well well,look who we have here!I didn't know you were coming here Brother!"said taro,that's right taro is Sakusa's brother,his grandma gave taro all of her belongings.Yes including the house,and her company.Taro was filthy rich,he obviously didn't deserve it,he didn't even give any money to his parents.He was selfish,and annoying is what Sakusa says,no one would ever truly love him.
Sakusa started walking up to him.
"Oh,I didn't know you were coming!I was just dealing with something,wait for me upstairs will you.I'll be right the-"before he could finish Sakusa kicked his stomach and taro flew back.Blood cam out of Taro's mouth and he started coughing,Sakusa was a strong,19 year old Alpha,his species was a wolf.Now wolf Alphas are especially strong,since they're one of the first ever species to be known.
"Give me back what's mine"he growled let out angry pheromones.
"Why so mad and what do you mean your's?"he said wiping the blood off his face and also started letting out pheromones to try and intimidate Sakusa
"Atsumu."he said dryly.
"You mean my Atsumu!"he said protectively while slowly walking up to Sakusa getting his claws out.On the inside he was terrified of Sakusa,since he was younger he new Sakusa was definitely stronger.He didn't want to show any signs that he was scared so he quickly pounced at him though Sakusa easily dodged.
"I see you don't remember the lessons we took together."Sakusa said,since when they were younger their dad made them and their sister take fighting lessons Sakusa didn't really enjoy it but was in fact very good.They said it was his talent but he barley ever used it, whatever you do in life it always has a consequence and for Sakusa this consequence was quite helpful.Although Taro enjoyed their fighting lessons he always failed because when they took lessons he never listened because he thought he was stronger then everybody,like Sakusa said he's selfish.Sakusa's older sister(Sora)however loved to fight and always listened,she's a good kid and is always helping.She's the oldest out of the two and she's got a job as a nurse,she's always giving spare money to charity or her family when they need it.She has a lovely soul and only uses her fighting skill when it comes to her lover,like Sakusa taro had taken her lover (Aran) and she had to fight.The only person she truly hates in this world is taro.
This got Taro mad and his ears and tail came out,Sakusa got his out and they got ready to fight.There was a cough near the side of the room and both their heads jerked that direction,it was atsumu he was now awake,this made them even more competitive as whoever won this could impress atsumu and make him theirs.Taro made the first move again and jumped on Sakusa digging his claws into his shoulders,there was no reaction from Sakusa,all he did was grab taro's hands and pushed him to the floor,taro couldn't move and Sakusa had already won.But Sakusa wasn't done,he dug his claws into Taro's back and he let out a loud scream that echoed around the room.Sakusa was grinning from ear to ear as he continued to rip patches of skin off of his body.Just as Sakusa was about to go for his heart he heard someone run into the room. "Stop Kiyomi!"they said and he stopped what he was doing and looked their way.

Atsumu pov:
All I can remember is that I was passed out in the corner but there was a strong scent filling the room.I woke up from this,my eyes were still blurry but I could make out two figures staring at each other.It wasn't before long that I noticed the chocking scent of pheromones all around,I started to cough and it seems the figures turned their heads towards me and said something before jumping on each other and having a full fight.I became weak to the smell and realised my ears and tail started to show.There was a burning heat that ran through my body,an itching sensation.My heat! I completely forgot!Slowly my vision came back and I saw the two figures who I saw were taro and Sakusa!I sat up and saw Sakusa Pierce Taro's back as he let out a blood curdling scream.I was terrified,I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs for comfort.I watched as Sakusa ripped off Taro's skin and more and more screams filled the room.I heard rapid footsteps and someone ran into the room "Stop Kiyomi!"they shouted and at that moment the only things you could hear were the pained groans of Taro...

(This was the lengthiest chapter so far so enjoy!next chapter is coming soon!)
This has not been proof read

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