S2 Chapter 3🌸

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Sakusa pov-

I was going to do it today, no more waiting today was it. I have been with my omega for a couple Years now and I think it's about time... I propose. Yesterday evening we had intercourse, so I know it's a very sudden jump but it won't stop me from being as confident as I should be!

It was morning and I woke Atsumu up.He looked so cute lying down rolled up in a ball.Hickeys from last night we're still there which made me want to eat him up even more.when he woke up he let out a cute yawn.

Atsumu: Omi...
He groaned
Atsumu: What time is it?

He questioned while still rubbing the sleep off of his eyes.

Sakusa:It's 9am so let's go downstairs .We both don't have work today so let's cuddle up and watch a movie.

He nodded and I placed my hands on his waist before picking him up.His face was nuzzled in my neck,OMG he is so cute!!!!I couldn't help but smile and blush.When we got into the living room I placed him on to the sofa and got us a fluffy blanket.Before sitting down I asked him

Sakusa: What movie should we watch,darling?

Atsumu: um...can we watch that new movie turning red?

Sakusa :Of course honey

I went onto Disney plus and turned on Turning Red.I was cuddling Atsumu,all I can say is this could end up being the best day of my life or the worst.Hopefully it will be the best!We were about half way through the movie now and I was going to go get some cupcakes for us when I realised this was the perfect time to propose.I want to our bedroom and grabbed the ring

I want to our bedroom and grabbed the ring

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Atsumu's ring

Sakusa's ring

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Sakusa's ring

No one's POV-
He put it in his pocket (so atsumu couldn't see it) and walked back over to the kitchen.He got two cupcakes out and on one he dipped the bottom of Atsumu's ring into the cake so you could still see the top half of it and he did the same with his ring.

He walked over to Atsumu and gave him the two cupcakes. As soon as Atsumu looked at he cupcake tears rolled down his eyes.He looked up to Sakusa

Atsumu: Is..this for real?

Sakusa: Of course baby,why wouldn't it be real.

Atsumu put the cupcakes on the table before leaping at Sakusa and immediately saying yes.Atsumu was now crying into his boyfriends shoulder,Sakusa just smiling,hugging him,he was so glad he had said yes.

Sakusa slipped the ring onto Atsumu's finger.He then lifted up his boyfriend's hand before planting a kiss near the ring.Atsumu placed the ring on Sakusa finger.He was still sobbing so Sakusa gave him a cupcake.Atsumu gladly took it and they went back to watching the movie.

I just got to the end of this and realised I have already said they are married.Don't mind me dumbass coming through.I am really sorry I didn't mean to mess up but just pretend this was the night/morning they got married!😓

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