S2 Chapter 4🌸 ⚠️ smut ⚠️

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No I will not be writing their wedding you can basically just imagine it ok?Right now don't mind the sudden jump!Enjoyyy!!!!

Now a situation like this is quite rare.What situation you may ask,well Sakusa's rut and Atsumu's heat have aligned.They are both happening on the same day.When Sakusa is in his rut and Atsumu is not in his heat he is able to control it but when Atsumu is in heat too his sweet pheromones leave Sakusa unable to hold himself back.Now when an Omega is in heat the chances of him/her getting pregnant is 100%.Both of them are dazed so they will not know what happened until their cycle has ended.

Sakusa woke up and almost instantly realised that he was in rut.He was sweating and felt really uncomfortable in one particular area.He was going to get up and go to a different room so he wouldn't take Atsumu without consent but before he could he felt someone grab his arm.He looked down and there he saw Atsumu breathing heavily,trying to get closer to him.This was a huge problem Atsumu was in heat.

Atsumu: O..omi-kun..come here...

Sakusa tried to restrain from taking Atsumu right there and then but he just couldn't hold back when Atsumu started to release his pheromones.In an instant Sakusa pushed Atsumu on to the bed before kissing him roughly.Atsumu whimpered when Sakusa inserted his tongue exploring every inch of his mouth.Atsumu grabbed on to Sakusa's back and wrapped his legs around his waist ,deepening the kiss.Sakusa wouldn't let go ,he kept close to Atsumu not  even giving him time to breath.After a while they stopped trying to catch their breath.

Before Sakusa could continue Atsumu started grinding on his member,he then started sniffing his lovers neck trying to get the most of his strong scent.Sakusa quickly sat up and bent Atsumu over in his lap.During their intercourse Kiyomi loved to watch his lover beg.For him it was a major turn on.

Atsumu: O-omi...please n-not today...

Sakusa: Omi? Now Atsu dear, who is this Omi you are talking about? It's certainly not me is it.That can't be my name,you of all people know ,don't you?

Atsumu knew this was going to be rough,Kiyomi would not stop for anything.The only way he can get this over with quicker is to answer how Sakusa likes.

Atsumu: S-sorry daddy

Sakusa:That's my baby,but still I think you deserve a little punishment don't you? You did call out some other man's name.

Atsumu nodded,he just wanted to be satisfied.

Sakusa: Words.

Atsumu:I-I think I-I should be p-punished Daddy

Sakusa:It's good we agree! Well I have already decided

Before Atsumu could ask he felt a sharp pain on his backside.

Sakusa: 10 spanks,not that much I was going for 20 but I would like to be nice to you today.

Sakusa took of Atsumu's trousers and boxers off.He placed his arm on Atsumu's back so he wouldn't fidget to much.

Sakusa:Remember to count,or we'll have to start all over again!

Sakusa raised his hand and slapped Atsumu's backside.Atsumu let out a chocked moan before painfully spouting the word one.Sakusa smirked before osuddenly repeating his actions.two.Sakusa loved this part he could see his omega at his weakest stage.Harsh slaps and atsumu chanting the words three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten were the only things you could hear.xpl

When he reached the number 10 Sakusa sat him up in his lap and started to quickly plant kisses all over his lovers face.

Sakusa:You did such an amazing job!Let's start shall we?

Atsumu nodded but quickly spouted the words yes daddy not wanting to be spanked again.

Sakusa slid his hands down to Atsumu's ass and inserted his finger into his husband's hole.Small moans escaped Atsumu mouth as his finger explored.Before Atsumu even got used to one finger Sakusa slid in another.

Atsumu: w-wait-ngh..slow dow-ah!

For some reason Sakusa actually listened and pulled out his fingers.This was oddly strange Sakusa would never stop even if he begged.He new this wouldn't end well.All of a sudden Sakusa slammed his member into atsumu,this caught him by surprise but he couldn't say anything.Sakusa kept slamming in quickly,Atsumu wasn't able to speak.

I know I haven't posted in almost a week but I actually can't be bothered to continue this sex thing.I'll just say what happened quickly.The went at it for a couple more days since there heat and rut would end.By the end of Atsumu's back was Broken.Ok.

I am literally losing inspiration now. I have another Sakuatsu/Sunaosu story I want to write so I might just finish this up in the next chapter.I did hope to make this longer but I have an idea for my next story an none for this one.Next update on here will just be a recap of their lives after this!

Well goodbye

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