A while had passed since Vladimir fell asleep..The ..man with pink.hair was slepping aswell.
..Only I..Only I and Sergiu were awake.
Yea .sergiu...
..I really missed him..He s my friend,my greatest friend..My one and only friend
..Well,i suppose Vladimir counts as a friend aswell now..But it s not the same,sergiu s..A different type of friend
He has been there since the beggining..Helped me get in the military..Talking with eachother late,every night untill he would fall asleep..
..oh,the good old days .Befoure all the propaganda and the fucking war and everything
,,-..Are you awake?"
..I always liked his voice..so calm and soothing
,,-Yea,i am..What is it,Sergiu?"
,,-...Y know..I..I m woried"
..Most of the time i keep this strong unbeaten face..But i can t have my mask on with him..I can t..,,lie" to him..
,,-..I m worried aswell"
..I never lie to Sergiu..
,,-..You know..We really need Shae..She s the only one that could get us to the far lands.."I added..I really want to live this shit hole..well it s not
..a shit hole
..It s a hole,a great hole,the best hole..With shit people inside.
..Arstotzka is a good country.
,,-..You haven t heard?"
,,-if it s from the newspaper,then no"..He s the only one I know to read the newspaper.No one ever does it.
I sometiems take the pages to make myself some ciggarets
..not the ones from.him,tho.
I keep those...Don t read them ,i just ..I was..just kepping them jn my office,sometimes on my desk,other times in my drawers.
,,-Yea..It s from there..At first,i tought it was ..bullcrap"
,,-Just say bullshit"
He doesn t swear that much..Sometimes he uses this silly word to substitue the ,,bad words"
..I tell him to stop but..I actually like it alot,,-Anyway..It s not..same news appeard in Kolechia,Obristan..even in the news ,,Republia times"..And you know how are those
,,-yea..yea i know"
..I wouldn t had without him
He talks about that one alot..Sergiu says there a misterys behind him,someone controlling them ...He even made me read a page.
..He always tics when he talks about it..He always tics at extreme emotions..I don t like it when he tries to hide it..Sergiu thinks it s ,,annoying"..It s not
It s what makes him sergiu.
,,-..Well..It s about shae."
..my.. eyes widden up.
..What the hell happend to her?!
,,-..Yea..She fleed Arstotzka after the attack...I don t even know if she s alive..some papers says she s dead..other says she s not..,,Republia times",the most important one..well...I can t find out..He brought the news ripped..The last lines weren t there"
..he was smilling talking about everything..he liked talking aaboit the news,he really does...and..I hope he likes talking with me
,,-..He as in the annoying Guy that won t shut the hell up about how someone sold his watch?"
..sergiu stopped..his smilled dissapear,as he looked at Vladimir and the fuck boy ..He still had that damned mask in his hands..He didn t even drop it when i shot him.
,,-..Do you think Vlad hates him?"
,,-..i think he wants to..but can t really and just dislikes him"
..my small freckled soldier was one of those types of people..That can t really hate even if they try to.
,,-..do you think we ll have drama?"
I laught..he always makes me laught
,,-Oh,you and your drama!"He blushed in embaresment
,,-..Y know I like hearing drama when it s not mine and it s fun!"
,,-Myea yea sure,tommorow I ll see you with long ass painted nails and fucking tea in hand waitimg for the gossip like a teenage girl!"
..I joke with him because i know he can take it
..I..I m not and i ll never see him as a teenager waiting to hear all the spilled tea
..I know he just likes every distraction he can get to ..Stop thinking about Elisa..and gossip is his favorite
,,-oh,you like weird things aswell,stop bullying me!"
,,-Myea? Like what,mister?"
,,-Well,you have a love-hate relationship with your own country!"
I smilled..he knew me so well
,,-I damn do and it s not that weird
,,-Well what about the fact that you know so much about make up?"
..I .. Would love to wear it..so so much ...
..But..i..it s the only thing i can t tell him..
..However he did caught me off guatd when I corrected his mistake of calling lip gloss ,,shinny lip paint"
..can t understand how he rememvers that
..God i really want to tell him tonight
,,-I don t,i just know some names!"
,,-Yea yea sure.You are also a simp for Shae."
,,-I am not! I just respect her alot,that s all...She s the first woman to take a job this important and she manages so well,i m proud of our country "
,,-Well..Well does your high standarts count as being weird?"
I smilled..he really did know me well
,,-They don t,buddy"
,,-..Well..You ..You did had thaaat phase"
,,-What phase ?"
..he smilled smugly ...i love thay smile
..Yet it makes me wander..
,,-Y know.."
He smilled again..And I caught the ideea.
,,-Don t even mention that!"
,,-Oh come on..Small Chalenks stealing circulation signs?"
...Smelled like gun powder..Gun powder..old paper..Coffe..And nicotine
..I love that smell
,,-Y know..I had a talk with Vladimir..While i was all fidgety and..Y know anxious"
,,-..Oh yea..while i was with the bitch..You do seem alot better now
,,-..You and a good fire are enough to make my day!"
,,-Or night"
..i smilled again..everything was so pretty
,,-.anyway so..i talked with him..I don t think he hates that man..Or..He s not sure..he seems conflictee,y know?"
,,-Maybe he ll have a wake up call tommorow and see how toxic he is"
,,-Maybe..or maybe not"
I nodded in underatanding and a bit of anger
,,-..love makes people blind
He looked at the fire
...i probably made him think about elisa...I m bad at this
..i wanted to tell him tonight,i..i can t now
..No..No,come on Chalenks,you can t wait anymore!
,,-...Sergiu,i..I have to tell you something
He ..he looked at him
..god i will die because of how beautiful his eyes are
...I can t
,,-..It s..Nothing"
..he looked back at the fire
Befoure he woukd get annoyed..but it s not the first time i do this,so he got used to it..no..
..I ll tell him
,,-I..I like you!.."