Chapter Eight: Independence Day.

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Song Of The Chapter: We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister.

Jon, Chuck, Meredith and Leah sat in Merediths room for two hours, talking and catching up with each other.

{Chucks P.O.V}

So this is the Leah that Meredith had been telling me about. And this "friend" fellow called Jon. I must say; they are quite lovely.

Jon is five years older than the three of us. He's twenty one. That doesn't really bother me, though. He seems pretty chill either way. He's apparently in a band called Bon Jovi. Leah promised to show me some of their music at some point. I'm buzzed to hear it!!

Leah is actually just two weeks younger than I am and she works in their local guitar centre in New Jersey. She seems hella cool. She also plays guitar and her hair is dyed bright red which is killer.

Merediths always gonna be my favourite though, for obvious reasons.

After two hours of talking, we all decided to go to bed in order to be ready for the July 4th party tomorrow. Linda asked me to stay over for a couple of nights and whilst Leah and Jon are in town. That woman is a god send, honestly.

{End Of P.O.V}

The Next Morning...

Chuck woke up with his arms around Meredith. Her head was resting on his chest as he let out a happy sigh and tightened his grip around her. As he let his eyes adjust to the light in the room that was peeping from in around the curtains, he noticed the door open and he looked up.

Linda smiled at him. "Good morning dear." She said. Chuck smiled. "Morning Linda." He said. "I was just gonna leave in a note for Mer. As you know, her sister and her brother stayed at their friends house last night. I'm going to meet a friend for coffee and do some shopping for the party later, okay?"

Chuck smiled and nodded. "That's okay! Do you want me to give her the note when she wakes up?" He asked and Linda nodded as she stepped in and handed him the note. "If you wouldn't mind, dear, thank you." She said.

"No problem at all. Is there anything I can do for you when you're out?"
"Not at all, just chill out with your friends."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
"Thank you."

The two exchanged goodbyes before Linda walked out. Just as Linda was pulling out of the driveway in her car, Meredith woke up.

Chuck smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said. "You?"

Chuck nodded and gave her the note her mom left. The two talked for a couple of minutes before Mereduth noticed Chucks eyes light up. "What?" She asked. "I'll wake Leah up if you wake Jon up." He said.

Before they knew it, the two were creeping down the hallway and into the room where Leah and Jon were staying. Jon was laying on his back with his arms folded over his stomach and Leah was curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed.

Chuck ran and jumped onto the bed beside Leah and screamed. "COME ON SOLDIER!! IT'S FIVE AM AND IT'S TIME FOR OUR TWENTY MILE RUN!!! LETS GO, LETS GO, LETS GO!!!!"

"AAAHHHH!!" Leah jumped awake in fright and sat up, clutching her chest. "OH MY GOD YOU ASSHOLE!" She laughed and glanced at Meredith who was trying not to laugh as she sat on the bed beside Jon. She shook him awake. "I'm so sorry man... she's gone."

Jon jumped awake and sat up. "SHES WHAT?" He asked and glanced around, looking at Leah before letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God." He said and Chuck and Leah started laughing.

Before they knew it, the four were showered, dressed sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee together.

"So... Independence Day, huh?" Leah asked and Chuck nodded. "Is this your first Independence Day here in America?" He asked. Leah looked at him and laughed.

"First Independence Day in general, man." She said. Chuck's and Jon's jaw dropped and they looked from each other to Leah and back again. "What?" She asked, but it sounded more like 'wah' due to her thick Midlands-Irish accent.

Jon tried not to crack a smile at her accent and shook his head. "Do the Irish not celebrate their independence?" He asked and she shook her head. "Nope." She said.

Chuck shook his head. "So y'all didn't have your own George Washingboard?" He asked and Leah laughed and shook her head. "I know, I know... I didn't listen in History class." He said and Meredith and Jon laughed too.

"Closest we had was Michael Collins." Leah replied.

Later That Day...

Around five pm, Merediths home started to fill up with friends and family that not even Leah had met before. Everyone exchanged hellos and how are yous and general conversation. Some of the kids there were fascinated at the fact that Leah is Irish.

"Can you teach us Gaelic?"

Leah laughed. "It's called Irish. What do you wanna say?"
"Uhm... I don't know."

"Okay well... see him?" Leah nodded to Chuck. The child she was talking to, who she found to be Merediths little cousin, nodded.

"His name is Chuck. Run over to him and say 'Póg mo thoin.'" The child done as they were told and Chucks jaw dropped. He glanced at Leah with his eyes wide and she buried out laughing as the child ran away to continue talking to their friends and family.

That night, everyone went outside to look at the fireworks. Merediths brother, Josh, ran around lighting sparklers for all the kids.

When he was done, he walked over to Jon, Leah, Chuck, and Meredith. "There's four sparklers left." He said and handed them one each before lighting them. "Go nuts." He said.

The four looked at each other before running around the place and acting like five year olds.

When the sparklers were fully extinguished, Linda ran over to the four who were falling around the place laughing. "Group photo, guys!!" She said.

The four tried to contain their laughter and wrapped their arms around each other, full of smiles as Linda took the photo.

In Leahs opinion: it was most definitely her first of many American Independence Days.


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