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Why is she good at this? I should be the one who's turning her on but why does it feels like i am the one who's having a burning sensation.

We're studying right now, i can't stop thinking about what she said earlier, Rapunzel? She'd like to pull my hair? DAMN! I mean—i would like it too but SHIN RYUJIN! STOP GETTING INTO MY MIND!

She looks so normal right now, does it even bother her?

My phone suddenly rings and i saw an update regarding to our Club's anniversary. I almost forgot that tomorrow is our Club's anniversary and we're just planning to do the same thing like we did last year.

I take a look at Ryujin, she's reading her book while wearing her specs, she's actually cute. I have this thought that i don't want to continue the Club's plan for tomorrow. Ryujin caught me staring at her, "What?" She asked.

I went back to what i'm doing, i didn't answered her.

To be honest, i can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow, i hope i'm not gonna hurt her. "Yeji? I have something to ask." I'm surprised that she called me in a formal manner. "Yes?" I answered.

"I'm confused about the motive and intention. What's the difference between those two? I found them exactly the same since when you're committing a crime intentionally then it means you must have a motive behind it, right? So, why does motive not part of criminal elements in Criminal Justice System?".

I thought she's gonna ask about what's happening between us—well, i'm hoping for that but i got it wrong. I smiled at her, i'm happy that she's a good Student,

"Oh? Motive and intention? I got confused about that too when i first heard it. When you say motive, it's not part of our criminal justice system since it can't be use as an evidence since what we're looking for in the court is the Intention only if did you really want to commit the crime not the reason behind it. Motive, you can only use it during the investigation in the scene of the crime" I answered.

Ryujin nodded at me, "Ahhh, it's like motive is equivalent to feelings of the person on why she committed the crime and intention is if you want or do not want the victim dead. I get it now, thanks" She answered.

After hours of studying, i fell asleep on my table. Ryujin is still sleeping and i put my blanket on her since her dick is showing again. I take a bath and went to our Club. I saw the members preparing the stage in front of the main building and we asked our Prof who's handling our Club about the topic she wants for our Club today.

When we already set the stage, i saw the topic, i got scared a little, i really hope this won't gonna offend Ryujin.

The stage is fine, it's here again, the 'Let me hear you' stage. It's the stage where you can freely say about your opinion in a topic for today. I keep on monitoring the stage if someone's gonna talk.

When it's already breaktime, the Students are around the stage and there's a lot of Students. I saw Ryujin laughing while she's playing with Lisa and Seulgi, Irene Unnie's lover. The host read again the topic,

"Our topic: Alpha shouldn't be in all Girls Universities since they have the same thing as Boys. Are they female or not?".

A lot of Students speaks up,

"They are not Female, they are producing semen that only Man can. They are probably a man too it's just they have boobs"

The Students laughed, i'm starting to feel so guilty and offended, it feels like i wanted to stop it now. The Professor of 2nd Year suddenly stand next to me, "You're the President of this Club, right?" She asked.

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