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After days of locking myself, i think i'm starting to realize that Ryujin is just a phase of my life and i know that there's a lot of People out there who would like me.

I decided to act normal towards Ryujin when we're with the Group but i'm avoiding her when we're alone. I need to remove my feelings for her so i won't need her every time i'm having an attack.

During my class, it's already 3:00 PM and my class just started, sweating, feeling the pleasure, it's starting. I'm having an attack, i still don't have my pills and it's getting hotter now.

I can't think of anything else, i only feel like i want to see Ryujin.

I went to the comfort room, i want to help myself and to get used to it but there's a lot of People and they might smell me, i have no choice. I ran so fast towards my room and when i opened the door.

Ryujin is sitting on the chair and Prof. Noze was sucking her dick and both of them were naked. It all makes sense now, that's why when Ryujin helped me to get home, it was Prof. Noze who helped me and during our Club's Anniversary, it was Prof. Noze who confronted me then Ryujin gets my class schedule—it's because she wants to know when is the time i am busy, i got it all wrong—i thought she cared for me.

Their clothes are everywhere, i have a little bit of feeling that i'm turned off over Ryujin.

I can't hear anything, i'm feeling so dizzy. Prof. Noze was staring at me while she's naked, Ryujin locked the door and she let me lie down on my bed. I can't help it but even though i can't help it, i still need to.

Ryujin and Prof. Noze kissed then Ryujin was about to kissed me,

"GO AWAY!" I shouted and pushed her.

I cried so hard then i went inside the bathroom, i am helping my self and i feel like i wanted to hurt my self for being an omega. I keep on crying and i'm biting my arms because of the madness i felt.

While playing myself, i feel disgusted over me—i fucked someone like Ryujin, she will have a threesome just to help me. I punched the wall for so many times until my hand became so numb. I now hated Ryujin, i don't think i can still let her help me after this.

My hands are already bleeding, i just washed it then i called Lisa, "Lisayahh?? Please, come and get me out of here" I said while i'm crying.

Ryujin degraded me as human, i already swallowed my dignity whenever i need help because of the thought that i already know that she has a Girlfriend but i turned blind eye just for my sake and now, she showed me that i am nothing to her but just an experienced, i really feel disgusted.

When i went outside the bathroom, both of them are sitting there then Prof. Noze went closer to me, "I already know the deal between you two." She said those words like it was nothing on her.

I slapped Ryujin, "Let's stop this, i don't need your help anymore. You made me feel like i'm a low class woman and it feels like you never respect me." I said it with the pain in my eyes.

Prof. Noze left then i packed my important things, Lisa came and i let her enter the room. She helped me get my things and she told me to live in the Hotel where she's living, it's an Hotel next to the University and she said that she'll give it to me for free.

I never told Lisa about what happened, i'm scared that she might get mad and ended up having a fight with Ryujin, i don't want that to happen. Lisa let me ride with her on her van and she brought me to the Hotel where she lives, my room is next to her room.

The room was triple the big than my room in the University.

Whenever i remember what's about to happen between me, Ryujin, and Prof. Noze, it disgusts me so much and it really felt like i am just a condom that can only be used when someone is erecting—though i know that i'm also treating Ryujin this way but i would never fuck her while there's someone who's with me, where's the pride of being a human?

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