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I knew it.

I knew it but i still dived into it.

Now here's Ryujin, she wanted Yeji back. I'm already happy but it's not gonna lasts for long.

They are still talking outside the room, i'm not a jerk who's gonna hold Yeji's neck and tell her to stay away from Ryujin just because she likes Yeji but it still bothers me.

Yeji suddenly jumped on me and she leaned on my chests, "Are you still up?" She asked. I put my hand on her head, "Yes". Yeji sit on top of me and she kissed me.

"I like you" She said.

Three words that scares me. I smiled at her, "It's fine with me, about what happened earlier. It's your heart, not mine." I said then I hugged her.

The only thing i can do is to make Yeji feel the love that i have for her. I'm not stupid to choose the things where i might hurt someone or myself. I stare into Yeji's eyes while we're hugging each other under the blanket because of the cold weather,

"Yeji? It's not that i don't trust you, if you don't like me anymore, just tell it to me. Don't hold on just because you saw the other one is still fighting, i know what it feels and i don't want you to feel that, it's tiring, suffocating, and painful." I said.

I don't want to be bad.

Yeji hugged me so tight and she bites my chest, "Stop saying that! I'm already happy with you".

I know that but i'm not the first one who made you smile the way you're smiling at me right now, i kissed Yeji's forehead.

I fell asleep while thinking things that is killing me.

When i opened my eyes, Yeji's not there besides me, i got scared for a seconds but luckily, i saw her standing in the kitchen and she's cooking. "My big baby is awake now, sit there, i'm the one who's gonna cook now." She said while she's smiling at me.

The way her hand slowly hold my chin and she kissed me, i wonder what it feels like when she's doing it with me but there's also a Kids running around us.

"You're thinking about something? Do you mind if you share it with me?" She sits on my legs while her hands are circling around me. "Nothing, i'm just trying to see myself in the future." I said.

"Who are you with that time?" She's staring into my eyes. I smiled at her,

"It's for you to find out."

I don't know, i'm not sure, will it be really you who's with me in the future, it's up to you.

When we're already in the University, i can see a lot of people outside the gate. "What's happening?" Yeji asked. I keep on driving and when we went outside my car, the world that i built, it falls into pieces.

"There's a news about you that you died 8 Years Ago...."
"Are you the real Daughter of Mr. Vice President and the Dean of this University?"
"Why did you fake your identity?"
"What really happened 8 Years Ago?"
"You're dead 8 Years ago, it was broadcast on national television!"

My body can't move, one thing that came in my mind, my life is in danger again.

They are pointing the cameras at me, they are pointing different microphones at me, i was scared, i was trembling because of the thought that i'll be the target of my Family's enemies.


Yeji was pushing them away and she put her coat at me, "Hey? Baby? Snap out of it, let's go, let's run away together." Yeji said while she's wiping my sweat on my forehead.

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