Drives Away

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It's already our break time and Lisa's still taking her exams. When i went outside my room, i saw Ryujin standing there and she looks like she just cried. She's walking slowly towards me and when she's close to me,

"Yeji—" She said while she's trying herself not to cry.

She suddenly leaned her head on my shoulder and she hugged me so tight, "Yeji—i don't know what's happening in my life right now. Let me stay in this moment for a while." I suddenly heard her crying on my shoulder.

She's in pain, i know it.

I hugged her and i'm rubbing her back with my hand, "Cry it out now, Shin Ryujin." I said. There's a lot of people around us but it feels like we're alone since Ryujin is crying and she's acting like nobody's watching us.

I hold her hand and we went into her room, "Let's talk here, Ryujin".

Ryujin sits on her bed and i sit on my old bed, "What's going on? Tell me everything, i'm willing to listen." I said. Ryujin cried again, i sit next to her then i patted her head, i put her head on my shoulder, "Go, let it all out".

Even in this situation, Ryujin still matters on me, she became a great Friend that's why if she needs help, i'm gonna help her.

Ryujin told me everything that happened, about her Uncle and Prof. Noze. I don't know what should i say but it's nothing new about Ryujin, she's always a jerk but knowing what happened to Prof. Noze, i am so mad at Ryujin.

Prof. Noze did everything to save both of their asses and here's Ryujin trying to get me instead of asking for Noze's forgiveness? She told me that she wants to beg Noze but it was impossible now, Noze said it herself that she don't want to see Ryujin—even me if i were her, i will never want to see her again or else i might kill Ryujin with my own hands.

Ryujin suddenly stares into my eyes,

"You're my only comfort Yeji—even though i know that this will ruin my image to you while i'm still courting and proving you how much i changed, i still did it because i have no one to talk to, i'm a mess when it comes to you but you're also the one who's the reason why i'm cleaning my mess, i'm sorry for telling you about what happened."

Ryujin keeps on crying then she leaned her head on my chest. She's right, this thing might throw dirt on her image in my eyes but she still said it on me, i guess i'm really her comfort.

After a while, she finally stopped crying. She wiped her tears out of her face, i sit on my old bed and she's sitting in front of me. Ryujin suddenly stares into my eyes like she wants to do something,

"I found out something, i just found out what it feels like when you caught me having sex with Noze because i saw you and Lisa too right in front of my eyes. The way you sit on top of her, the way you keep on moaning while you're leading it, they way Lisa's hands was crawling on your back because of the satisfaction she felt—it's not just painful, it's traumatizing."

I sarcastically laughed, "Yes, you're right. It's traumatizing." I said.

"I want to confront you, Yeji. I only accepted your deal to not fall in love with you, it's you who fall in love with me first, i tried my best to not fall in love and i'm just following the deal but why did we ended up here?" She's shaking while she's saying those words.

"Why did i become the bad guy? You confessed to me and i didn't accept it but it doesn't mean that i don't like you—how did you ended up hating me so bad? Please, explain it to me." The desperation in her voice, her eyes becoming different, she's right after all.

"Because i lied to you. The night when i gave you my first, it's not totally an attack, i can still control myself that time. Have you seen an omega having an attack and she can control herself? No—there's no one. That is how stupid i am, that is how i became low for you, i don't hate you but i hate the person i became just to get your attention, i hate the Yeji i am when i'm with you and whenever i'm seeing you, i keep on remembering her. I'm sorry for making you feel like this when everything is actually my fault." (referring to Chapter 10, Night).

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