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Journal Entry no. 4 - Being a lazy ass modahfukah.

Hey y'all!

What's up?!

Okay, obviously, I have nothing to do so I'm just going to share some random stuff about my boring day. Like seriously, I had a super boring day. I didn't do anything. I just laid in bed, checked my social media accounts, ate, showered, watched some TV series. Practically did what every teenager do during summer. Be a lazy ass motherfucker.

But! Enough about that, let's talk about something else!

I was wondering, who's a fan of Tyler Oakley? I am and I don't know about you but you should also be a fan, if you don't think that you should then watch some of his videos (on YouTube) just to have fun.

I am a huge fan of his work. I follow him on Twitter, Instagram, I liked his page on Facebook. I subscribed on his YouTube (I don't even know if this sentence is grammatically correct) and also, his podcast with Korey Kuhl which is called Psycho Babble. And I'm a #PsychoBaby

Does that sound creepy? I hope not.

But anyways, changing the subject...

What's up with your life?

Are you being or going to be productive? Do you have anything to do this summer or you're just going to be lazy like me?

Are you asking my opinion about what you should do? (I'm hoping that you are) Even if you don't want my opinion, I'm still going to give one anyway, you have no choice on this darling. (And please, imagine me saying that in a very sassy way even though you don't know what I look like or what my voice sounds)

Imagine me going all sassy on you.

That's just so wrong.

My opinion, honestly, I think that you should do something productive. I don't even know if it's already summer in your country or if you're still in school or whatever but I think that you should start being productive. Unlike me.

I know that you think that I am being such a hypocrite and that I should take my own advice. I am, don't worry. I'm taking my own advice and I am going to be productive this summer as you should.

If you are the live in the now or let's live spontaneously kind of person, I suggest that you should just let things happen, let things come to you but if they don't, you come to those things and enjoy yourself.

And if you are the kind of person who procrastinates, please, for the love of all, do something! Like, girl! You don't want to spend your summer hibernating with a bunch of junk foods sitting beside you while watching Pretty Little Liars or The Vampire Diaries or other TV series whatsoever. And if you're a guy, the same thing is applicable, you're still going to have a bunch of junk foods sitting beside you, the only difference is you are playing video games.

Whatever type of person you are, whether you be an introvert or not. Do something. Stop being a lazy motherfucker who checks his/her phone every second just to see if they have new notifications. Improve your social life, personally. Soak up some sun, find yourself someone who you're gonna spend your summer with or better yet, hang with your friends, do stuff, party like wild animals but don't. Don't you ever spend your summer doing nothing.

You'll probably, most likely (that's the same thing, I'm just being redundant, I know) regret it. So, just don't.


This, supposedly, is about my boring day but apparently, it turned into a summer advice. I don't know, I'm always random.

I'm a random bitch! Hahaha!

Anyways, McKenzie & Grey is almost finished! I know right! I told you the prologue will be posted this Thursday (or Friday) but guess what, I'm pretty excited! That's why, I'm probably going to post it on Wednesday! Har-har!

Read it, please! Thanks for reading my 4th journal entry! Buh-bye!


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