Love you to the end

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No hate to the Professor and Blossom and Bubbles btw !

Buttercup's POV :

I can't believe it, I just got kicked out of the utonium family, why you might ask well....


" Butters!" Butch ran to me and spun me in the air while I giggled,

" Hey Butch! " I gave him a small peck on the lips, but at the corner or my eye I saw the Professor glaring at me, and he sighed while shaking his head. I don't know why my whole family have a problem with Butch, he is the sweetest , most caring person I ever met , yea the both of us are quite stubborn and fight a little .... yea not really a little but you get my point . Even though we fight I still love him to bits , and he was always so polite when he was around my family , and his brothers are dating my sisters, but the Professor doesn't have a problem with Brick and Boomer. I don't know why. 

" Time for dinner everyone! and those two... " The professor said pointing to us , I felt my heart drop, but I felt a little better when Butch started comforting me . We all ate dinner and it was quite the awkward silence until the professor broke it.

" So! All of your exams have been returned how did all of you do? "

" Well of course as usual me and Bubbles got A+ s in all of our exams!" Blossom said 

" We expected it really , the exams were so easy it was like they were asking us 1+1 in all the questions. " Bubbles said, ugh... the Professor is going to be so mad at my grades.

" Me and Boomer got A+s in all of our exams too! " Brick quipped. 

" Thats very good ! What about you Butch what did you get? " The Professor asked , I bet he was expecting a C- or F in all but I know the truth.

" umm.. Me?" Butch asked 

" of course you, who else would I be asking? " the Professor said

" Oh! Well I got A+ in Maths and the rest I got A or B+s " I saw Butch playing with his pants while talking about it , we both got lower grades than all of our siblings, we know we aren't sMaRt like them or so they say. 

"Buttercup what about you? " The professor said pulling me out of my thoughts , I stared at my lap while Butch started to pull me to him and stroking my hair. 

" Its okay babe, he won't scold you. " He whispered loud enough for only me to hear. 

 I tried not to make any eye contact with the Professor,

" I got an A+ on Maths , the rest are B+s or B-s . " I mumured , I saw that the Professor looked like he had steam coming out of his ears 

" WHAT ?! ALL OF YOUR SIBLINGS AND THEIR GOT A+S ON ALL OF THEIR EXAMS AND YOU GOT    B S? WHO ARE YOU?! THE WHOLE FAMILY IS SMART BUT YOU AND YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND ! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN ! YOU AND BUTCH AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE UTONIUM FAMILY! " the Professor yelled , I started to feel the tears coming to my eyes , Blossom and Bubbles were smirking slightly while the Brick and Boomer were staring, 

" WHATEVER ! YOU NEVER EVER EVEN BEEN A DAD TO ME ! YOU NEVER SUPPORTED ME YOU FAVORED BLOSSOM AND BUBBLES OVER ME ! I DONT CARE IF I HAVE TO LEAVE AT LEAST THEN I WONT HAVE A BITCH AS A FATHER ! " I yelled with tears in my eyes , I took Butch's hand went up to my room got all the stuff we need and we went to his house. 

Flashback end~

I was still crying , Butch owns a house and he lives by himself so I could let it all out with only him seeing. 

" Baby im so sorry..." Butch apologized , he's sorry?

" W-why a-are you sorry? " I looked up to him with my eyes red and puffy

" I'm part of the reason on why your dad kicked you out." he mumbles " I understand if you want to break up." what?! I quickly sat up on sat on his lap, I saw that he also has some tears in his eyes

" hey! look at me. I'm not breaking up with you , you are the best boyfriend that I could ask for and I will never break up with you. " I started wiping the tears off his cheek and i cupped his lips and gave him a kiss on the lips, which ended up to making out .

After two minutes , we broke apart gasping for air. 

" I love you Butch , I promise to stay by your side at all times. "

" And I promise to love you to the end... "

sooo here is a super short one shot! I know its a bit dramatic and it was quite rushed sooo im sorry! no hate to blossom and bubbles and the professor I know that they would never do something like this! I hope you enjoyed!


Butchercup One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now