Why would you leave? (Part1)

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Buttercup's POV:

It has been 3 years since my boyfriend... i mean ex boyfriend has left me alone. We didn't break up but he just disappeared, I found out that he became a world wide known singer a year after he disappeared. I am very mad at him but I still missed him a lot. I may have went to his concerts once or twice.... I'm kidding I go to every one I could. He never noticed me of course, and we haven't talked since he left. I know his dream is to become a singer, and he finally did it! I couldn't say I'm proud of him or talk to him because I don't want him to think that I'm a pussy and actually needs him. Even though thats true. Nowadays, I hide in my room crying and swiping through our old photos of us dating. I am still the captain of the basketball and football ( soccer for Americans) team but as my team says, I lost my spark. I barely sleep or eat, I need to listen to his voice by listening to his songs or interviews to actually go to bed. I don't know if Butch feels the same way but I can't live without him.

Butch's POV:

I had just finished a concert, right now I'm in the master bedroom of my mansion, swiping photos of me and Buttercup, yes I know I was dumb leaving her alone, not even leaving a note behind telling her where I was, or when I was going to come back. I miss her a lot, and she may not know but I seen her during my concerts, she always sat in the front rows which made it easy for me to see her. She gotten so much prettier over the years, why did I even leave her. Yeah so I could fulfil my stupid dream, it wasn't worth losing Buttercup. I know that now, she probably won't even take me back when I beg her to. I just hope that right now she's happy in another relationship, having a guy who would actually make her happy unlike me. There isn't a day where I don't think of her, I still wear our special sun and moon promise necklaces, it was supposed to be our 4th year anniversary yesterday and I still buy her gifts, only to remember that she wasn't mine anymore. I wanted to get rid of everything that reminded me of her, but I couldn't.

Tonight was my last night spending my time away from her, I'm transferring back to my old school, Townsville high. I can see Buttercup again! I rolled around the bed, and looked at the photo of us on our first date, I promise you Buttercup no matter what, I'll make you mine again.

Skip to the next day~ ( Buttercup's POV)

I woke up, Butch's song still playing on my phone, I got off my bed went to brush my teeth, shower, pick out an outfit and do my hair, I don't wear make up unless its for special occasion. I put on one of Butch's hoodies, yes i still kept them, they smell like him I couldn't help myself! and put on a pair of baggy trousers. I combed my hair and left it like that.

( The outfit)

( The outfit)

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(The hair)

(The hair)

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