Movie Nights

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This chapter was requested by Cookie_crumble25 !!!

Buttercup's POV:

Today is Friday, me and Butch's movie night! I was getting everything ready, while Butch was driving back from work, he is the CEO of a tech company, Brick and Boomer works with him aswell, with the three of them working together, everything always get done very quickly and Butch has more time to spend with me. I started making the popcorn, got all the blankets, pillows and cushions we had out and putted it onto our sofa. I was almost done and I heard the door unlock, I turned to see Butch. 

" Hey Butterfly I'm home!" He called out, I quickly put the popcorn into a bowl and ran to him, I gave Butch a small peck on the cheek and hugged him, " Welcome back idiot! Hurry up and go shower then we could watch the movie, I don't want to be snuggling into a smelly chest." I joked, Butch laughed " You wanna join me? " he smirked, I felt my face going red and took a pillow and threw it at him , " Shut up you pervert!!! " I screamed, Butch laughed at me  and nodded he went to the bathroom, I started rolling through my Instagram, my hands froze when I saw a post that Morbucks just posted, I shook my head and ignored it.

Skip to 10 minutes later~ 

Still bothered by Morbucks post, I'm sure I looked quite scared and frightened, I'm trying to shake it off, cause I didn't want Butch worrying about me again.

" Baby? Whats wrong you look like you just saw a spider?"  Butch asked obviously concerned, shoot- I am of course still frightened by the post but I want to just watch the movie, " Nothing... Lets just watch the movie yeah? " I smiled hoping Butch won't ask more about it, " Uhhhh sure, Buttercup if anything is wrong just tell me alright? You know you could trust me." He asked, I shook my head forcing myself to smile" N-nothings wrong, why would something be wrong? Now hurry up and choose the movie we don't have all night, you still have work tomorrow." I stuttered. Butch stared at me for a few seconds then didn't say anything and chose one of my favorite films, How to lose a guy in 10 days, he slightly smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. 

During the whole movie I could feel Butch staring at me many times, the movie did take my mind off of Morbucks post a little but I was still scared and I know that Butch knows. I hate keeping secrets from him but if he found out what I was scared was, both me and the person Morbucks posted would be dead, mostly likely the person and not me though. Butch would hold me tighter everytime I moved, and by the end of the movie Butch wouldn't even let me move a finger. 

" Butch let me go, I have to clean all this up!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip, yes I had super powers but even with them Butch was still stronger than me when he used his. " Butch Jojo I'm serious let me go right now!" I shouted. 

"   Well so am I! Buttercup I am not letting you go until you tell me whats going on! You were basically shaking the whole entire time we were watching the movie! " He yelled, I sighed. " You really wanna know then fine, open Morbucks instagram and see if you recognize the guy with her..." 

Butch quickly took out his phone and opened his Instagram, " uh no I don't know that guy. " He said confused, I stared at the blankets, I was hoping this would be a happy and peaceful night, "Remember two years ago, when we were 17, when we had to have a long distant relationship because you had to leave the country for that important meeting with the other company with your brothers?" I asked very quietly, I always knew I had to tell Butch someday, but I never really wanted to. Butch nodded, and hugged me a little tighter, " Yea of course, the worst two weeks of my life, did something happen while I was gone? Wait..... did you cheat on me? And the dude in the picture was the dude you cheated on me with?" He asked hurt. " Well....."

Flashback to two years ago~ ( still Buttercup's POV)

Butch left for two weeks two days ago with his brothers for a business trip , since then a lot of boys have been staring at me, like they did before me and Butch got together, I was very miserable that he had to leave, and to add the Professor had to take away me, Bubbles and Blossom's powers for a month so he could do some experiments on it, so I wouldn't be as strong as I usually am.   

Everything was going fine for the first three days, but on Thrusday a guy named Lucas came up to me. 

" Hey darling~ How are you doing? " He said seductively , or so he tried, I wanted to gag in disgust. " Ummm I'm fine I guess- How can I help you? " I asked, he pushed me against the lockers and put his mouth near my ear , " What I want is you babygirl." He said. I tried to push him away but he was stronger than me by a lot, " If you want to make it out of this alive you better stop moving, now what do you say we have a little fun~" He whispered,  I didn't have time to answer he carried me and took me to the janitors closet, I punched his back while he was carrying me, I tried to scream for help but most people were in class or outside. 

In the end, I got raped.... it was lucky enough that I was on a pill, I was sick to my bone, realizing that I just cheated on Butch, " Prepare to have this much fun everyday babygirl, oh and if you tell anyone I won't hesitate to tell your little boyfriend how you cheated on him." Lucas said to me when we walked out, I didn't want Butch to know and break up with me because I know that Lucas would twist the truth, so I kept quiet and started to take the pills everyday so I wouldn't get pregnant. 

Almost everyday in those two weeks I would get raped, if I was lucky enough, someone would come and we would have to stop. When Butch came back, Lucas had to stop finding me, and about a week after Butch came back Lucas transferred schools. I never told Butch anything about raping Lucas cause I am afraid that he would be mad at me and would break up with me, I didn't even tell my sisters because I was afraid that they would tell Brick, Boomer or Butch. The only thing I did tell Butch was the boys staring at me thing. Even that Butch got a little mad and a little more protective of me.

End flashback~

" And then today I saw Morbucks's post saying she just picked up an old friend who happens to be Lucas... Please don't break up with me Butch..." I whispered the last part, tears dropping from my eyes. 

Butch's POV

I couldn't believe that Buttercup had to suffer through all of that all alone, I am very mad right now, but not at her, I was mad at that Lucas guy. Buttercup crying while rambling about how sorry she was, and it really broke my heart. I held her tightly and held her head so she would look at me, I kissed her and I felt her kiss back, her tears were still falling from her beautiful emerald eyes. " I am not mad at you baby, I'm just confused why would you keep such a secret from me? I love you too much to break up with you for something you couldn't even control." I started having tears of my own. " I told you, I was afraid you would break up with me... I'm happy I told you now, it feels like a lot of weight is lifted off my shoulders." She said, and started playing with my fingers. 

Third person POV

Soon Buttercup was asleep, Butch carressed her cheek.

" Don't worry Butterfly, I'll kill that guy if he even says a word to you, I love you so much never forget that." He whispered. 

What Butch didn't know, was that Buttercup heard him. 

How was that? I think it would be one of my favourites :D I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! 

Remember comment, vote, follow and comment down some suggestions you guys have!!!. 

I have a youtube channel which also makes Butchercup content, go check it out :D its the same name as my user ( NotElise). 


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