Wedding Planning ( Part 2)

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Ok if you don't understand this chapter is Part 2 of Proposal. 

Buttercup's POV :

Two months ago, Butch proposed to me , we haven't done any wedding planning yet, we have told our friends and family though! The rest of our time, we have just been going around the city or cuddling in our house watching a horror movie or playing video games. We have decided to have our wedding half a year later, so we don't have to rush , but we wanted to start planning today!

" Where do you want the wedding Butterfly? " Butch asked , I cuddled into his chest, Butch has been super excited about the wedding, any moment he can, he would talk about it, ask me what I would want.

"Hmmm... I don't know, but I would like it back here in Townsville." 

" Hey! Remember when we were younger you said you wanted to get married in Miami on day!  Do you still want that? " He teased, I slapped his hand slightly

" We were six back then! Besides its too much work to have the wedding all across there." I huffed, how did this dude remember everything that has ever happened to us, I barely remember me saying I wanted to get married.

" You do know we have to start planning right, wedding venues in Townsville are booked up pretty quickly, right now its full till the next five months, and I know you said Bubbles would make you and your sister's dresses and me and my brothers tuxes but I don't really trust that-"

" Butch stop worrying, I don't care how the wedding will be as long as your there, the wedding will be perfect, heck we could even get married in a wasteland for all I care." 

" I know but still, its your special day, I want it to be perfect just like you!" Oh my god this dude- 

" Look Bubbles are finished with the designs, the wedding venue is already booked by Blossom, we finished the guest list. Now all we have to do is just pick out a cake, try Bubbles' designs and choose out decorations and we're done and there is like 2 months away till the wedding, we have plenty of time." 

" Fine, then what do you want to do today?" He groaned, I laugh at him, 

" You idiot! Didn't you know we have to go pick out the decorations today?" I saw a small smirk crawling onto his face.

" Why didn't you say so? Lets go! " he squealed, I giggled at his behaviour, why am I marrying a dork again? 

Skip to when they got to the decoration community or whatever~

We were checking out the wedding venue that Blossom had booked us and I have to say , I was impressed ! It was a small building, with a big backyard, the building is where the banquet will be and the backyard is where the wedding will be held. The decorating crew recommended some decors to us, I walked around while Butch talked with the crew, 

" Butterfly?" He called 

" Yea?" 

" Come here." I walked over to them

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing, just wanted you with me. " He said while wrapping his arms around my waist, I felt embarressed , there were people watching-

" Dork. "

" So Mr. Jojo is that all for the decorations, if so the both of you need to go in for food testing."

" Yea, its done, come on Butterfly!" 

I swear Butch is acting like a kid during all these wedding planning, its like a kid planning his own birthday party. 

We went in and chose the food, it was not bad , out of all the wedding planning we done this might be my favourite part! There were chips, fries, sushi, burgers, chinese food, pizza, pasta and a chocolate fountain! The five year old me would have been overweight after one hour in this room. So far we done almost everything, picked out a cake, food testing, Butch handled the decor, all we need last is try out Bubbles' dress. 

I can't wait for the wedding! 

Okay! Thats it for this small chapter , how do you think the wedding dress will look like? Next chapter is the wedding, where I will show pics of the wedding dress, bridesmaid dress, the groom's suit, and you know typical wedding stuff! I'm sooo excited to write it ! 


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