Chapter 7

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Sun knew they should be powered off. There were no charging stations in the building as far as they could tell and no electricity to power them even if there was. It was only a matter of time before they would run out of battery and eventually be forced to switch out with Moon, and they didn't quite know how the other would react to their new surroundings. Still, they continued to watch the minis as they searched every inch and crevice of their shelter, occasionally bringing random scraps of debris back for the others to find a use for.

Sun's gaze drifted over to Pat-Pat after a few minutes of watching a French Horn player dismantle chairs and tables alike to steal the rusted screws and bolts holding them together. The smaller bot was gliding in between the crowds to try and get a peek at what each of the minis were doing, happily aiding in anything he could when he figured out their intentions. Matt had spoken fondly of the little bot in that regard, Sun remembered. Always mentioning how he was "such a helping hand despite not having any of his own".

Humming in consideration, Sun sifted through the stack of drawings at their side and- there it was. Sun gingerly separated one of the drawings from the rest, grimacing internally as it continued to stick to another below it thanks to a clump of misshaped pink plastic smeared along its back. The picture was nothing particularly special from an outsider's perspective, though to Sun every drawing they'd been gifted was special. It was a crude, disproportionate, child's drawing of a young boy next to a yellow blob with ears both dressed as detectives with an overflowing candy bag between them. It had been a drawing for Halloween costume planning, Sun remembered. A last-ditch attempt at trying to get Matt to interact with them before naptime instead of muttering to himself, hunched over his journal as he furiously scribbled down a new theory. It had only worked for a short while, the boy having immediately gone back to avoiding them after nap time, but it had been a small victory, nonetheless.

They glanced at the page attached to it, hoping for another one of Matt's drawings, with Pat-Pat's name on the tip of their metaphorical tongue when the call died in their throat. Voicebox cutting out in shock despite only having seen a single corner of the drawing. Something shifted from behind them and they shoved the drawings back into the pile with the others, cringing internally at how they crumpled and automatically trying to straighten the creases once more before a rumbling beat reverberated from behind them.

They turned back to see DJ smiling down at them, large head tilted slightly in concerned confusion as he watched them scramble to straighten out the papers before them. They halted their frantic cleaning, watching their fingers twitch from their reflection in DJ's glassy eyes before giving him their best smile as they cried out with no amount of false cheer, "DJ!"

They were on their feet in hardly a second, twirling around with their free arm in the air before reaching up to give DJ the biggest hug they could. The larger bot cupping a hand around their back to return the gesture before he examined the space around himself, glancing over the Glamrocks and the evermoving minis before settling back into place once they were all accounted for.

"Where are we, friend?" Sun asked one he turned back to face them, one of the choir minis already crawling up one of DJ's arms to act as a translator of sorts.

"It was the best we could find," the smaller answered for him, "We originally found one of the companies' storage facilities, but the big guy thought we'd be better off somewhere else... he's not too sure why." Both Sun and the mini looked to DJ with questioning gazes but the Music Man just shook his head with a halfhearted shrug, not sure how to better explain himself.

That's ok though, Sun thought to themself, I can trust DJ!

Something in the back of their mind shifted and Sun barely resisted a shiver. Before they could react too much, however, Pat-Pat chose that moment to join the conversation. Immediately capturing DJ's attention as he circled him curiously, not hesitating to roll into one of his open palms when offered.

All is well, Sun reminded themself as they watched the two study each other, DJ's rumbling beats of inquiry contrasting with Pat-Pat's own shrill shrieks of excitement. All is well.

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