Chapter 11

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Sun didn't dare to look up as they walked down the sidewalk, gaze focused on little more than the steps ahead of them as they did their best to follow the directions Music Man had given them before they'd left the relative safety of the mall. On occasion, someone would pass them and they would tense, keeping their rays tucked close beneath the hood of their hoodie despite having already locked them in place within their faceplates.

Sometimes, they would catch people giving them strange looks, but for the most part, they went unnoticed. It was surprising really, how little people seemed to care for their oddities. Especially considering their striped pants and curled slippers were still caked in soot and the scent of smoke and ash still lingered around them with every step. Most of the stares they were subjected to weren't even due to their more inhuman features either, as they had feared. Instead, they were directed more towards their limp sleeve. The mangled arm that should've gone through it tucked against their chest, clutching a fresh glow stick close to the main light sensors in their buttons as they held a few spares tightly in their pockets with their other hand.

Those brief moments of panic were far better than the alternative of walking the streets alone, however. Dark thoughts of red-tinted vision and unacknowledged glitching plaguing their mind, with orange hues and the sensation of melting plastic seeping into their scorching hot circuitry chasing after in an endless loop of nonexistent torment.

When they finally managed to catch sight of the familiar Fazbear logo in the distance, they found it held no comfort for them. In fact, it looked nearly as abandoned as the mall they were staying in. Weeds grew from the cracks in the concrete in front of the building and the signs' lights were flickering, if not completely absent, in some of the LED letters. Still, Sun walked up to the entrance, hesitating at the door, how were they meant to get in? They didn't exactly have a key, and it's not like the doors would just be open- oh.

Sun stumbled back, the only thing keeping them from falling straight onto their back being their hand still wrapped around the handle. Admittedly, they hadn't particularly expected their halfhearted tug to actually have worked, but they still slid into the building with no lack of relief. Their rigged posture almost immediately relaxing now that they weren't out in the open only to return near instantly when the door closed shut again.

The building was pitch-black without the light of the outdoors and fear seized their circuitry as the darkness seemed to swallow them whole, the only things stopping it being the traces of neon green peeking from beneath their hoodie. When it hit that they'd yet to switch into Moon despite the lack of light, they groped their pocket for another of the glowsticks they'd hidden away.

The fear didn't subside until they snapped at least three of the sticks in question and their bright colors painted the dust-covered shelves surrounding them. They took in their surroundings and their joints locked up before they took a single step forward. Everything they could see was absolutely caked in dust.

Their hand twitched, gripping the glowsticks a fraction tighter as they fought back their programming. They just needed to look for batteries and spare parts, find something to carry them in, and then sneak back to the mall without drawing too much attention to themself. It would be quick, it would be effortless. It wouldn't. Be. That. Hard.

They walked to the closest shelf to begin their search, pulling out the first box they could see only to come face to face with an abundance of cleaning supplies.

Sun could almost feel the exact moment their self-restraint broke.

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