Easter Special

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Roxanne wasn't made for little kids. From her more matured design to her sass-filled programming, it made more sense to market her more towards teenagers than any of the smaller children. Most teenagers, however, didn't seem to care for her, or much of anything at her end of the Pizzaplex for that matter. Her track was too easy; her banter too encouraging, not to mention the constant construction her raceway was always going through. She garnered some attention, of course. But it was nothing compared to the crowds of devoted fans her bandmates had, let alone the adoration the bot she was based off of was known for.

To try and fix the guest's disinterest, the workers had upgraded her with a new set of eyes to help her race better. The only flaw being the fact that none of the workers had bothered to tell her the details of the upgrade, as per usual.

She'd raced straight into a wall she couldn't see the first day she'd had them, completely totaling her kart and flattening her face into a pancake in the process. She'd been sent to parts and service where she stayed out of order for three days straight for repairs, bored out of her mind with only a few faulty service bots and a sleep-deprived worker or two for company.

Somehow, despite her little dive through the plaster, her new eyes had managed to survive the incident. A fact that only made the whole ordeal worse in her opinion.

The eyes would only continue to serve as an inconvenience as the days went on. She walked into walls, talked to people in separate rooms, and saw far more of a human's inner anatomy than she would've liked, it was a terrible time to put it lightly.

Weeks after the incident, Roxanne walked through the lobby of the Pizzaplex, careful to watch where she was going and not gawk at strangers for too long when her eyes decided she needed a glance at their innards. Then, she spotted a strange shape hidden in one of the plants.

She blinked and her vision went back to normal, but she could still see a speck of color amongst the plastic leaves. She crouched down to grab the offending object; head tilted curiously as she held it up to examine. It was a pink plastic egg decorated with stickers of pizza and cupcakes. A thin line split it horizontally, but before Roxanne could try and pry it open a pair of kids ran up to her. "Wow!" One of them cried out, clutching a small red basket with the name 'Markiplier' stitched onto it in his hands as confetti fluttered down from his black hair. "You found that egg so fast! Jack and I have been searching for hours and we still haven't found any!" The boy displayed his empty basket dramatically, the brown-haired boy next to him following suit with his own green basket as well with a laugh at his friend's theatrics.

Roxanne glanced down at the egg in her hands, "What... Why are you looking for eggs?" she asked incredulously, "it's not even real, see?" she tapped its shell with a clawed finger, the muffled 'tink' of metal against plastic confirming her point, but Jack just giggled. "It's fer the egg hunt!" he exclaimed in a noticeably Irish accent, Mark nodding enthusiastically next to him, "Mr. Bonnie hid a bunch o' eggs everywhere, an' whoever finds the most is going ta get a prize!" He threw out his arms in excitement, a glimmer of competitive determination in his eyes that made Roxanne smile.

"Well then," the bot spoke seriously, straightening her hunched-over posture with the egg still in her hold before depositing it into Mark's still outstretched basket. "I don't suppose you'd want a bit of help, would you?" Jack's eyes practically sparkled, mouth hanging open as both boys gaped in awe. "Really?!" Jack cried out, bouncing up and down in unrestrained glee, Mark already bounding off in the background to hunt for more eggs, the one in his basket nearly flying out from the motion.

With Roxanne's help, Mark managed to gather thirty-six eggs by the time the competition had ended, Jack following behind with another twenty-eight for a grand total of sixty-four. When the time came to count the eggs, however, Mark carefully deposited each of his own eggs into Jack's basket, watching from the sidelines with Roxanne as the other ran up to the line of kids in front of Bonnie despite the confetti raining down onto them. "You're not going to try and win the prize?" Roxanne questioned, and Mark shook his head. "...is there a reason why?" she questioned again, and the boy bit his lip in thought.

"Well... A prize sound cool, sure, but I just wanted to play with Jack." He looked down at his sneakers, untucking and retucking his red and white striped shirt from his blue jeans repeatedly. "He's gonna be moving away soon, so I wanted to spend as much time as I can with him before he has to leave! Give him some more good memories, y'know?" he glanced up to Roxanne for a moment before looking back at Jack as the boy proudly held out his basket to Bonnie.

Roxanne stared at Mark for a long moment, processing what had been said before turning to watch Jack as well. After a moment of silence between the two, Roxanne sighed, smiling wearily down at the boy next to her "Well, if it's good memories you two want..." She scooped Mark up in one swift motion, setting him on her shoulders, "Then it's good memories you'll get!" And with that, she bounded forward towards Bonnie and Jack with exaggerated steps. Grinning confidently as the two cheered despite the warm smile of exasperation the bunny gave her in response.

She'd found her fans.

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