Chapter 18

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It had been ages since Moon had last been this aware let alone had this much space in the body. Lately, they'd been squished against their own mental walls, left with barely enough room to squirm in place let alone actually move.

Now, however, there was almost too much room, enough that the sudden change was somewhat concerning... scratch that, it was extremely concerning.

They looked around for Sun, faintly hoping they'd be granted some sort of explanation despite the silent treatment they'd been subjected to for the past who-knows-how-long. Of course, life could never be that easy for them, and so they were instead met with emptiness. But... something felt off.

"Sun?" they called out, uneasy at the silence that followed. They ran a quick system check, just to be sure there was nothing actively wrong that was causing their paranoia, and while they weren't able to detect any malware... they couldn't find Sun's programming either. A cold chill ran down their back and their guts felt heavier than usual as they double-checked.


They triple-checked, then quadruple-checked, just to be sure. They flooded their systems with scan after scan until their programming began to lag noticeably, a screen popping up in front of them to warn them of a potential overload.

They were gone.

Sun was gone and Moon couldn't find any trace of their code that could prove that they'd ever been there in the first place. Panicked, they forced the body to activate with a jolt of power.

Their movements were stiff and jerky, like a child trying to puppeteer a marionette, and the awkward position they were in didn't help either. They nearly smacked themself twice as they tried to force themself up into a sitting position, only to find that one of their hands had gotten painfully tangled within the loose cables. Dimly, they wondered where the plating that was meant to conceal the delicate circuitry was. What if a child tried to yank at the wires? Or swallowed one of their AI- realization hit them with all the subtlety of a punch to the gut and they grappled at the back of the body's head, feeling for the distinct outline of the USB Drives that contained them and Sun's very beings.

Just as they'd feared, Sun's was missing.

They dug through the scraps of their memory, panicked hunting for an explanation, but all they could find was- fire, fire everywhere, smoke clogging their processors as they ran and ran and ran before a crushing weight pinned them to the ground and-

They forced the lights of the body's eyes on, bathing the darkened room in dim red light- everything was cast in an orange glow as the flames licked up the walls, reaching out for them like a hand from the fiery pits of hell itself- there was a bundle of wires in front of them in the vague shape of a head, most likely an endo skeleton their mind supplied.

It turned to face them as overdramatized screams rang out from the TV it'd been watching, the clown mask on its face stuck in an ever-permanent grin even as it jolted slightly in shock at the sight of them.

The flames ate at the posters along the Pizzaplex, caging them in the air as they swung as fast as they could with their wire back to the daycare- they pulled themself back out of the memory with all their strength. This wasn't the time, nor the place. Right now they had to find Sun. They dragged themself up, body twisting and straining until the ticking of the mechanisms inside of them could be heard audibly echoing throughout the room.

The endoskeleton backed away as they did so, lifting some kind of toy into its arms as it slowly got to its feet.


Their voice box crinkled and sputtered as they forced out the garbled speech.

"̷̬̒̒̓̂͊̿͒̔̉͋Ẉ̸͚̫̱̈̈͌̌́̊̆̇̇̏͊̄͐̆̅̎Ḧ̶̛̜̮̣̲̫̯̱̯̜̼̝͊̃͐̅͐͊͆́̑̈͑͘̚ͅE̴̡̺̲̤̥̦̞͎̹̗̖̯͋̽̑̐̾̓͂ͅr̵̺͕͚͙̳̩͛̄͊̒͒̿̍̇̾̂̂́̿̍́͆͜Ȩ̴̧̮̠͎̹͇͊̈́̊̔̐ ̶͈͔̤̿̋́̄̄i̷̧̡̮͍̩̝͍̖͔͔̪͖̲̣̎S̵̨͎͉̪͍̬͖͚̹͍͆͑́̂̀́͒̑͆͆̈́̐̑̚̕͜ ̷̛̣͕̘͇̯̘͎̼̊̋̎̈́͒͐̈͊́S̵̢̮͖͍̠͚͖͚͍̘̰̞̞̝̱͕͆͜U̷̧͍͎͚͙̦̻̝͔͕͖͖͕͔̥͐͆͂͝͝Ń̵̙̘́̓̆?̶̢̡̨̢͕͉͍̼͍̩͉̭̗͚̠̞͗͆̇̊͊͛͌̕͠!̷̞̪̩̙̦͉̦͉̹͉̘̭͊́͑̑̄́͊̒̎͂̆̋̾̐͜͠"̷̢̧̢̛̹̗̻͙̥̺̱͔͕̲̼̥̈́̇̈́̑͌͋̐ͅ

They clawed at the couch, dragging themself off of it and down to the floor, by the time they stood to their full height the other was gone and they could hear the click of a lock from the hall down. Taking their last bit of hope at finding Sun with it.

It had run.

Why did it run?

A voice from the back of their mind answered in a hushed tone, "It has what you're looking for," It whispered cruelly, the lit of a smile edging its words. "why else would it run unless it knows it has what you want?"

Purple edged their vision as they gave chase.

Glitchy Translation:
Where is Sun?!

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