Diaper Change

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Luca and Alberto were doing chores around the house as they heard Oliver bawling. "Don't worry! I got this!!" Giulia raced upstairs in a hurry to their bedroom, only to see that Oliver was just fine, but hot, angry tears crawled down his face, creating magenta trails, legs gently kicking wildly. Yep, he was not having a good time. "Aww, what's wrong, little man?" She picked up the baby goat as she smelt a horrible stench. "Whoof, now I know. Okay, someone needs a diaper change!"

The auntie ram cooed as she got to work immediately, gathering a fresh disposable diaper along with baby powder and wipes. She laid her nephew down gently and then began to carefully undo the buttons on his onesie, and then the diaper around his waist. But she wasn't prepared as to what she was gonna see. At the sight of what was in front of her, she began to gag, calling for help.

"AMELIA, HONEY!" The scale rushed to her wife. "What's wrong?" She froze at Oliver's mess, immediately yelling for Alberto. "ALBERTO!!!" "What?!" Alberto flashed to Oliver's bedroom. "THAT.. ISN'T...... HUMANITY!!!" Giulia pointed at the huge 'stuff' sitting in Oliver's diaper, before running downstairs to go and vomit. "Come on. You two changed millions of diapers for Savanna and Silver when they were babies." Alberto explained. "Well..... this one........ takes..... the cake." Amelia chased after her wife.

"Aww, aunties Amelia and Giulia won't change your diaper?" The father Scorpius whined in a baby voice. "Aaabababa.." Oliver babbled. "Yeah, that's right. They're just scared. Now, let me ju-" As the periwinkle siren reached for the new disposable diaper, he soon heard a stream of liquid hitting the front of his dark blue shirt. When he looked down, he could see Oliver watching him intensely, peeing directly on Alberto's front. There was nothing to do but stare in shock as his son peed on him, giggling madly insane. "Did you just-" And Alberto ended up howling for his love.

"Uh, LUCA!! HONEYPOT!!!" Luca sprinted upstairs to see what's wrong. "What is it?" Luca saw the huge damp splotch on his shirt, then down at Oliver and his mess. The mother cancerian couldn't help but giggle at the chaos in front of him. "Did you pee on daddy again?" Luca sighed, walking over to his giggling baby Capricorn. "Okay, let's not make a game of that one. Alright, sweetie?" Luca cooed as he cleaned Oliver with some wipes, and quickly slipped on his new diaper, cautious of any accidents aiming his way.

The reef siren had seen and changed his fair share of messy Oliver diapers, but was never as dramatic as Alberto. The crab was humming a tune to his son to distract him from getting changed. "🎶O-L-I-V-E-R, O-L-I-V-E-R, O-L-I-V-E-R, that spells Oliver!🎶" He sang as he place the dirty diaper into the little bag. "I think that we need to be watching what Oliver eats.." Alberto felt a little grossed out. "Apparently, someone couldn't wait for a new diaper." Luca buttoned back up the Capricorn's onesie before lifting him up in his arms. Oliver chirped in shock due to the sudden action. "It's okay! Momma's got you." He cuddled his little one close.

"And guess what?.." He said as Amelia and Giulia walked back in. "You're all done!! Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He cooed in baby talk.
"You make it look so easy...." Alberto muttered a bit.



Love y'all, stay messy, and ALWAYS spill the tea!


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