Tiny Kicks pt.2

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(sorry i didn't upload in a long time, i think y'all already know why *madison*. anyways, enjoy!! i hope....)

Luca gave up trying to even get up from the bed, lying down starfish style as his tummy bump towered over him. You know, it's such a strange sensation, to both feel something foreign move inside you, and see the effects of it on the outside too. His belly juts out again as another lump appeared underneath the skin, followed by a sharp jab just beneath it. The cancerian couldn't help but wince at the sudden action, a large huff leaving his mouth as he drifted his hand on top of his large abdomen.

"Please, bambino, you're hurting Mommy." He slightly groaned."You good, honeycomb?" Alberto said as he walked back in the bedroom. "Our kid loves to play target practice with my organs." The pregnant reef siren whimpered, on the verge for tears. "Come on. They can't be that bad." He tried to soothe down a sobbing Luca. "WELL, YOU TRY BEING THIS PREGNANT!!" He yelled. And immediately felt bad after. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't m-m-mean t-to y-y-y-yell at you, a-a-a-and-" He ended up wailing so loudly, the whole town of Potorosso could hear it. Warm salty water parade down his face, leaving teal trails behind in a straight line. "It's okay, sweetie. Calm down." Alberto gently sat down on the bed, gently rubbing Luca's tummy bump.

And having daddy around settled down the baby! They slowed down a lot, and soon enough fell to sleep. Luca let out a deep sigh of relief. "Oh, and here's your seaweed." Alberto gave the pregnant brunette some dried grass from the ocean. "Just having you around calms the baby, you're never allowed to leave again." Luca slightly giggled. "Alright.." Alberto gently chuckled along, strong arms softly embracing the younger siren in a cuddle. "I love you.." The seaweed-green eyed male whispered in his lover's ear. "We love you too...." Luca whispered back for him and their baby. And soon enough, all three of them fell into a deep slumber for the night, their energy getting ready to get tickled by the rays of the sun returning in the sky like an old friend from a long vacation.

Love y'all, stay messy, and ALWAYS spill the tea!


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