5. guilt

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Third POV

While everyone was quietly taking their votes and putting them in the box, Minji had taken it upon herself to snap Eunhyuk out of his daze.

Minji made a note to herself not lower the pitch of her voice when her boyfriend was around. Seeing as he apparently broke earlier when she did.

Yikyung walked in, surprised to see everyone quiet, no one was talking at all. Not even Seokhyun.

She walked over to Minji who was still trying to fix her broken boyfriend.

"Did you do something to them?" Yikyung whispered to Minji, "I've never seen them so quiet."

The short haired girl shrugged, "I gave them a piece of my mind. Scared the shit out of them I guess." Then she patted Yikyung's shoulder, "It's good to have you back."

"Likewise." Yikyung replied with a small smile.

After a good thirty minutes or so, everyone had out their vote into the ballot. Minji had broken Eunhyuk from his daze about ten minutes before.

Then, Eunhyuk picked out the papers one by one. Minji wrote down on the black board the current votes.

In favor: 8

Opposed: 7

"There are eight in favor and seven opposed." Eunhyuk informed after Minji set down the chalk, "If one of the last two ballots is in favor, he'll be ousted."

Seokhyun snatched the papers from the table, examining them, "Seven people opposed? Are you guys crazy!?"

'Do I need to hit this guy in the head just to get him to stop being stupid?!' Minji pinched the bridge of her nose. The effect of her death glare only lasted so long.

"Opposed." Eunhyuk pulled out the second to last paper, showing an X on it, "It's eight to eight."

"Damn it." The old man muttered, turning to his wife, "Did you oppose!?"

"I didn't." Seonyung replied.

Seonhyuk marched towards Jisu and Jaehwan, "All the bitches and bastards on his side should all be thrown out!!!" He yelled.

"Oi, don't get worked up yet." Minji crossed her arms. The moment she spoke Seokhyun silenced himself, not wanting to face her wrath again.

"We still have one more vote. This will determine our final decision." Minji stated just as Eunhyuk pulled out the last sheet of paper from the box.

He looked at it for a moment, then turned it over to show everyone else, "Invalid."

Minji was surprised to see the paper. It had both a circle and an X written, making it impossible to determine what the person had decided.

The old man couldn't believe his eyes and marched over, snatching the paper out of Eunhyuk's hand. Minji had to put her hands behind her back to keep herself from hitting the man.

"No way." Seokhyun said in disbelief, then turned to Byeongil, "Hey, bring that bastard here."

Byeongil looked around confused, "Me?"

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