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Dear Usagi,

in no way in hell am I letting you stay here! I am not insane and we are a family!
You staying with us means Sensei having more pawns to play with. If anyone can achive a game over for him than that would be you!

Don't worry about that Chihuahua, we will be dealing with him sooner or later. He needs to pay for what he has done to you!

That burned bitch of ours wants to burn him to a crisp.

That vampire bitch says cutting and hanging him upside down to gather the blood.

Warp Bi-I mean Mamagiri wants to send him to outer-space/ deepest part of the ocean/ lava pit.

I personally would have made him jump off a roof for what he told you all these past years before we found you.

P.s.: Can you deisgn a labyrinth, haunted mansion or escape room?

Sta close to someone, Sensei is furious and after you. We are stalling for time butyou know what to do.

Best wishes,
Player 1

A/N: Again below the actuall handwirtten letter. I saw some mistakes I did so sorry about that and I hope you can overlook that fact.

 I saw some mistakes I did so sorry about that and I hope you can overlook that fact

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