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Izuku's POV:

Soo he wants to meet me....

Well it's not as if I had a choice anyways.

I need to get Shiggy and Mamagiri out of there before AfO get's them.

It was the next day right after I got the letter from Kuro and the first thing I did was walking to Nezu's office and knock at the door. Not long after I knocked I heard a come in and found myself together with Aizawa and Nezu in a room.

Aizawa: *sigh* What is this about?

Nezu: We have quite the serious situation here, have we not?

I got the clue immediately. Nezu wanted me to explain everything and even if I hated lying to them all up until now, I had no other choice. It was either that or get fround out and dragged back to be a villain or worse a nomu. Being dead will be my least worries when AfO finds me.

Me: Yes.... 

Aizawa: Problem child, what is this about?

Nezu: How about we all sit down and you can invite your friends over. Please remember everthing that happens in here stays in here.

Me: Thanks. Fenrir come out.

The moment I said that a huge wolf appeared behind me out of my shadow as I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Me: Get Toga and Dabi over please.

Fenrir: RUF!

I left Aizawa speechless since he never knew my real quirk even Nezu didn't know about this aspect of it. Both of them looked at the shadow where the wolf dissapeared but soon Toga and Dabi came out of it.

Dabi: What the hell?

Toga: IZUUUU!!

Me: Good to see you guys.

Dabi: What the fuck man!

Me: Good to see you too burned nugget.

Dabi: Don't nugget me, why are we here with them?

Me: It's time we get Shiggy.

Nezu: Now then, let's go into details.

Me:This is Dabi and Toga. Both of them are like Shiggy and Kurogiri hold captive and forced being villains against their free will. I was too but they somehow managed to get me out of there and in here.

Aizawa: So if they are working against their will then I assume you-

Nezu: Yes. I offered them a place as a student of my school as well.

Aizawa: *sigh* you out of your mind?

Nezu: They deserve a second chance! People can change if they have the choice and the will for it too!

Aizawa: *sigh* I understand. Do you have a home?

Toga: No.

Dabi: I think I will be returning to mine.

Nezu: Well Toga you can stay with Izuku in the dorms then.

Toga: You want me?

Nezu: Of course, why not?

Me: Thank you.

Toga: Thank you *sob*!

She immediately tacked me into a hug and I could see some tears rolling down her cheek. After that she tackled Nezu into a hug.

Me: We still have to finish this fight! Shigaraki and Kurogiri are still at the base and need our help.

Nezu: Indeed we have. It is quite concerning hearing that AfO might rise to power once again.

Me: Worse. He already is prepareing.

Aizawa: Do you know where he is?

Dabi: We know exactly where he is.

Aizawa: You plan on going there yourself?

Me: No. We are a family after all! Family means sticking together right?

Toga: I wouldn't have said it better.

ME: Ohh but let me get Shigaraki and Kurogiri here. After that we will immediatelly need to strike. 

Nezu: This is why I called a hero in. He is quite late.

Dabi: Another one? Why not get that trash over here?

Me: Ahm I think he means that trash.

Toga: No way.

Nezu: I was refering to Hawks since Endeavor is on a mission currently.

Hawks: Somoene said my name?

The moment he was mentioned the door to the office opened and Dabi was about to burn this bird down. I mean they had some kind of history together after all.

Hawks: Whta's he doing here?

Dabi: Could ask the same chicken.

Me: Know the position of AfO and we need your help in the fight.

Nezu: I assume the it would be a bad choice getting as many people as possible since we do not know of the state we will be walking in.

Me: Fenrir get Kurogiri and Shigaraki please.

Fenriri: Arrroof!

Just seconds later they both came in.

Shigaraki: Finally we can take that enboss down. Nice to see you bunny again.

Me: Likewise.

Kurogiri: I assume you are all ready for me to teleport us there.

Hawks: Huh? Wait what!

Dabi: It's the old abandoned warehouse at **** road. That's the villain base he uses.

Hawks: Got it! But are we really about to attack right now?

Nezu: There is no need to hold back nor do we have the time for more planning. I took each quirk in consideration and came to the conclusion that this team will be enough.

Hawks: The hero commission will sure have my head after this.

Me: Well you basically will be presenting them AfO on a silver tablet.

Hawks: What do you mean?

Me: Well I mean we are about to take him donw.

Hawks: I see.... Well in that case let's goo!

Everyone: YES!

Just like that every one of us prepared themself mentally and we all began walking though the portal that Kurogiri just made to get there. My shadow creatures were of course in my shadow so that I could call them by my side way easier besides Fenrir who was walking right beside me. The main reason was for them to not get sighted before they could be let loose and be just the wild disasters of nature that they are.

Needless to say that everyone was ready to kill a certain someone and no one would hold back! At least none of us villains.

Traitor or not? That's for you to decide! (Letter Story)Where stories live. Discover now