Chapter 11

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Riya's chain of thoughts broke when she heard her phone ring. She looked at her phone wondering who was calling her this late. The screen showed Rj. She picked up his call instantly.


Riya asked in a hesitant voice as she was still not sure if he called her intentionally or not.

"Hey little girl."

Came Raj's deep yet soft voice. She had heard this voice before so many times but tonight it rose some tingling sensation in her chest.

"You are still awake?"

"Hmm. Because a certain someone is still awake with some really ridiculous tension displayed on her forehead."

Riya's head snapped in the direction of his balcony and their eyes met. She found herself losing in his intense eyes which had some uncertain feelings swirling in them.

"Please tell me what's bothering you so much?"

Riya left a sigh and started to speak. She told him everything she felt. How much scared she was and how she felt a very bad feeling creeping in her stomach. She didn't wanted to experience it. She poured her heart out in front of Rj just the way she used to years ago in her childhood.

Raj wanted to hold her in his arms and console her. Stroke her hair softly while kissing her forehead. He wanted to show her Love.

He wanted to ease her tension and rummaged his brain with every idea possible. And then it struck him.

"I got an idea!" He exclaimed.

Riya could practically see happiness radiating off of him. They hadn't left eye contact even for a few seconds. She raised her eyebrow in question and he started to explain.

"Our showroom is just 5 minutes away from your office. You can come to my office and from their we can come home together."

She liked the idea of coming home with him. She remembered how much safe she felt in his arms. His hug was so warm. She felt her heart filling with love.

"It's perfect."

She spoke in an enthusiastic voice. And it brought a satisfied smile on Raj's face. They finalized everything and then wishing each other good night they went into their bed with satisfied smile.

But then their eyes snapped open.



Hello my beautiful readers,

Their heart finally realized love for each other!! *squeals in happiness* I hope you all are liking it so far. Please comment and keep supporting me.

Please press the 🌟 for motivating me. I'll be grateful.

Thank you.
With love,
Riya. 🤎

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