Chapter 9

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Mom and Dad, "I got my Power," Harry screamed as he went around the house. "Really" Harry's Mom, Anne said excitedly. "Yes," Harry said practically screaming from excitement. "What's your power son?" Harry's Dad said. "Love and Desire" I can make people Love me," Harry said winking. "People already love you Harry", Anne said . "I know, I know but not everybody," "There are a lot of people who hate me," Harry said. "Like who?" Harry's Dad said worried. "People who are envious and jealous of me, especially at school." While having his large birthday meal prepared by Anne, Harry stated. "Oh well, that's unfortunate, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY," Anne remarked "I hope you're enjoying the food." "Thanks, Mom," Harry murmured, his mouth full of strawberry pancakes. "Your welcome birthday boy," she said. "When I come home from work, Harry, I'll put up the party decorations," Harry's father, Desmond, added. "Why do you have to work on my birthday?" Harry whines. "It's only for 2 hours." "Besides once I come back I should have your cake and gifts" Desmond explained to Harry while hugging Anne goodbye. As he walked away, Harry said, "All right, Dad." "Bye," Desmond exclaimed as he walked out the door. Anne and Harry shouted, "Bye!" When Harry went upstairs to clean himself off, he realized it was Louis' birthday "today", and he had run into him the night before. As he was getting ready, he kept thinking about Louis and how he seemed to be sad last night, but he shrugged it off and went to find his mother to ask her some questions.

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