Chapter 12

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Harry dashed up to Niall's door and knocked twice, after which Niall appeared, hugging Harry and handing him a gift. "Thanks Niall" Harry said while getting into the car. "Your welcome" Niall said while getting in the back seat realizing Louis was in the front. "Hey" Niall said, speaking to Louis. "Hey" Louis replied, a bit distracted texting Zayn and asking if he wanted to come to Harry's party. "Harry, remember when you said I could invite a friend," Louis reminded Harry. "Yeah," Harry said. "Well I invited my friend Zain." Louis told him. "Did you send him my address?" Harry asked. "No, not yet. I'll wait till he responds. He's a busy guy." Louis said, hoping Zayn texted him back so he wouldn't have to talk to Harry or Niall, not that he has a problem with Niall, it's just that he felt more comfortable with Zayn. "Okay just let me know when he's on the way" "Alright" Louis said. Niall and Harry began to discuss other topics, such as their "awesome" friends, incredible parents, and, finally, their abilities. Louis just sat there, uncomfortable and alone, staring out the window the entire time. Louis discovered Niall's power, which is compassion and friendliness, indicating that he can be friends with everyone; as a result, Louis now understands why everyone adored Niall. Louis wasn't surprised when he learned about Harry's power. He had joked about Harry having the power of love all the time to his mother, and he was right.

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