Chapter 14

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"Hello, Lou" "Hello Zayn," Louis greeted, "Are you planning on coming to the party?" "Send me the address, and I'll text you when I get there," Zayn added. "All right, the party starts at 3:00pm," Louis stated, checking his watch at 12:30pm. "All right, thanks for the invite, Lou." "Your welcome," Louis remarked, looking up as he noticed Harry's house being entered by a tall golden brunette head boy. "Goodbye, 'Lou,' and I'll see you later." "Bye Zee," Louis muttered as he hung up the phone and walked into Harry's house, where he overheard Harry's mother conversing with the boys. As soon as he went in, everyone stopped talking and glanced at him, making him feel as though he didn't belong. He was, however, pleased that Zayn was coming, even if he was hesitant to get close to him considering what happened between him and Harry. Anne shouted, "Oh my god, hello Louis," as she reached out to hug Louis. "Hey," Louis said, hugging her back and dreading what he'd planned for her. Anne inquired, "How are you doing?" "Good, good," Louis said, hoping she wouldn't ask about his parents because he didn't want to lie to her. "That's fantastic," Anne replied, "And what about your parents?" she wondered. 'Of course she asked,' Louis thought. "Fine, my mother is working in the United States, and my father is working at home." "Wow, they're always so busy, that's why we didn't talk for all those years," Anne replied, her voice sad. 'But it isn't,' Louis thought. "Unfortunately," Louis replied. "And it drove a wedge between you and Harry," Anne said. "Did she really blame my parents for tearing me and Harry apart when it was Harry who stopped coming over and contacting me, and you people Louis thought, referring to Harry's parents, didn't even bother to call my parents and ask whether I could come over?" Louis was so angry that he wanted to make her feel as lonely and hurt as he did, and then it occurred to him again that he could use his powers on her and Harry's father to make them feel the same way he had all these years. As a consequence, for abandoning him, Harry would know what it's like to have messed-up parents.

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