Chapter 10

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"Mom," Harry yelled. "I'm right here" Anne yelled coming from the kitchen after washing the dishes. "Mom, do you remember Louis, my old friend?" Harry asked. "Omg yes" Anne said excitedly remembering the blue eyed boy. "It's his birthday today, well on monday" he said remembering that it's actually on monday and that he was two days older than him he totally forgot considering they used to have their birthday parties on Harry's birthday every year. "I haven't heard from his parents in years. Are you going to invite him to the party?" Anne ask. "I did, last night but he said no," Harry said, kind of upset. "You know how stubborn Louis was, just go to his house and ask him again." I'm sure he won't say no and if he does tell him I want him there." Anne said seriously."All right, I'll head over there once I get Niall," Harry said. "All right, tell Niall I said hello," Anne said. Harry said, "OK, bye Mom." "Bye Harry, get Louis over here." Anne expressed her thoughts. As he walked out the door, Harry muttered, "I'll try."

On his way to Niall's place, Harry decided to go get Louis first so that he could spend time with him alone. As he approached the drive-through, memories of him and Louis running about the home, through the garden, and playing football (soccer in the United States) came flooding back. He also remembered singing and dancing with Louis. He was saddened by the thought, and he realized he missed Louis. He had knocked on the door for what seemed like 20 minutes. Louis finally opened the door just as Harry was about to knock again, his face surprised as he looked up at Harry. "What are you doing here?" Louis asked. "I came to ask if you want to come to my party" Harry said feeling awkward. "I told you no yesterday Harry" Louis spat annoyed Harry appeared at his house without calling. Louis thought, 'It's a good thing my father isn't here'
"I know," Harry answered, hoping Louis would say yes, "but it wouldn't be a party without my best pal." Don't make me beg, Harry added, knowing that, at least in the past, he always got his way with Louis. "Please don't, Harry," Louis whispered, recalling how he felt the day before."I won't unless you come with me," Harry explained, adding, "and my mother wants you there." "Okay, fine, I'll go with you." Louis said, suddenly recalling his idea. "Yes," Harry exclaimed, grabbing Louis and sprinting to the car. "My mother will be overjoyed."

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