~|Chapter 1|~

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~|The First Sight|~

It slid through the water with practiced fins as its tail flapped up and down in the musky blue-green water. It swam quietly under the dark hull of a pirates ship. The shadow of the boat casting a pitch black spot on the ocean floor. The thing swam directly into the shadow, disappearing from sight except for two large blue eyes, glimmering and staring out at the small child that was chasing it.
The child giggled under the water before paddling up to the surface and being pulled out of the water by a larger human. The human wore a black, triangular hat and he stared warily out at the ocean.
"Don't go out there son," The man said, shifting the child to his hip, "There are Sirens in these waters, and they feast on children like you" The child's face changed from one of glee to one of terror, as he had just seen a Siren with his own two eyes.
The large blue eyes seemed to roll. A shimmer of silver scales was seen behind them as the eyes moved, ever so slightly, towards the sunlit ocean floor. They slowly moved out into the light as the patterns of the sun through the water dance across the woman's face. Only her top half was visible, as the rest was still in the shadow of the ship above. She had beautiful long blonde hair that flowed through the water in waves and bright, ocean blue eyes that seemed to sparkle. Her skin was pale and slightly suntanned. She wore a wrapping of dark green seaweed around her chest that was tied in intricate braids and knots. As she moved cautiously out into the more sunlit water, a sparkling silver tail was revealed to be attached to her waist instead of the normal two human legs. She was a Siren.


The blonde siren flicked her tail a few times, propelling herself into a quick moving current, her slim body being pushed through the water at a fast pace. She raised her webbed hand in greeting as she passed a family of turtles and she swam by them.
After a few minutes she ducked down and out of the current, spinning slightly and laughing to herself. She sighed, swimming down to the bottom of the ocean and settling herself on a rock, watching the ships pass over her head. Her hair waved in the slight movement of the water and the fins on her forearms seemed to move in sync with her hair.
A small axolotl with big bright blue eyes swam up to her, boping his nose against her hand as she greeted him.
"Why hello there little one!" She said to him. Her voice sliced through the water like glass. Clear and sharp, yet sweet and tempting.
"Hello Syre how are you?" The little axolotl replied, nudging her hand again with his nose and landing on her open palm.
"I am doing quite well, Camilo. Have you made any friends?"
"Actually yeah!" Camilo's face lit up and his eyes sparkled and he looked up at the surface of the water. "She is real nice! Although she doesn't speak Aquatic..."
"It's alright," Syre smiled patting his head, "is she another rabbit? You seem to attract those," Camilo scoffed and flapped his feet so that he floated up into the water slightly.
"SHE IS NOT" Syre giggled and flapped her sliver tail slightly in the water. "She is a human!" Syre immediately stopped laughing.
"I know what you're gonna say! But she is really nice and she feeds me and rubs my itchy spot!" Camilo's mouth clamped shut in a firm line.
Syre sighed, the noise echoing through the water. "Will you at least let me see her?" Camilo stopped for a moment before nodding his head. He jumped off of her hand and started swimming up towards the surface.
It had been a long time since Syre had been up to the surface. Almost 5 years. The last time was when she lost her colony. She shook her head slightly and started to hum a melancholy tune. She jumped up off of the rock she had been sitting on and flapped her tail. She was propelled through the water, her tail shimmered in the water as it moved.
Camilo jumped up and out of the water, crawling onto the sand and walking off towards a small log house in the side of a hill.
    Syre peeked her head above the water, her hair floating on the top of the water. She watched as a girl stepped out of the house. She seemed to be around Syre's age of 16, yet she had many many more scars. She had medium length auburn hair that fell in waves down her back. She wore a lace up, off-white top that was untucked from her dark gray pants, she branded a long black cloak covering the most of her body, however Syre could see the glint of a netherite sword hanging threateningly from her waist. She wore mid calf boots, a dark green mask, and dark green gloves that were cut on the fingers so you could see the callouses from the sword. However, what struck Syres' eye was the branded mark that bruised her neck. This girl was a mage- or some kind of creature in their custody- and they were well known for killing sirens. Syre's eyes widened and she ducked her head under the water, peering up at the beautiful girl in front of her. The girl who might just be her stunning demise.

S/N: Hey y'all it's Syre! This book is a bit different from my typical books because... it isn't just mine! I will be writing this book with my dear friend (and platonic partner), Forrest_Entity!

F/N: Hiyaa Forest here, this'll probably be rather strange cause this is written by two ppl on a different platform then pasted i think to Wattpad, but this book is abt a server we are on with a couple of our mates, i hope you enjoy bc this is new to us as well :)

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