~|chapter 7|~

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/| The Worlds Unwinding |\
-1 day before-

    God damn it Rhys I watched my life play out from inside my head. Rhys never let me be conscious when he was in control and even then I was never fully in control, not since he had tried to kill Syre. Dissociative Identity Disorder. I hated it. I hated that there was another person living in my mind, that I could never get away from. Rhys was mean. Rhys was bloodthirsty. Everything that I didn’t want to be. I felt a sudden tug at my consciousness and I was pulled forward into the light of consciousness. Somebody had triggered us to make me front. I had no idea what had happened, so I was confused to find myself inside an animal skin tent. 
    “Ah there he is, my brother! How’ve you been?” I glared at the skeletal boy in front of me. His brownish hair hanging low over his dark red eyes. The flesh of his human skin melding with the bones of the right side of his face. He was a nightmare and he was my brother. 
    “What do you want X?” I crossed my arms and stared at the boy, unblinking. “Do you want information?” Nainx chuckled and flipped a knife in his skeletal hand. 
    “I can’t just talk to my brother?” I rolled my eyes. This was all that ever happened. I would be triggered forward, forcing Rhys back and then X would interrogate me for information. I could already feel Rhys in the back of my mind pushing his way forwards from the depths of my mind. 
    “What do you want?” X chuckled and stood up from his nest, throwing his dagger onto the table and approaching me. 
    “We are going to visit Forest, want to come?” I sighed and nodded. Forest was like an older sister to me, I would not pass up an opportunity to see her again. “Alright then let's get going, it's a bit of a long ride.” As Nainx turned around I felt Rhys rise to the front of my mind and I stepped back, I knew there was no point in fighting him. 

    That damn boy never lets me hear the news first, he always has to let Nann decide, poor little Nann. The famed brother of Chief Nainx. I sighed and began to push my way forwards until I blinked and suddenly I was front and center again, that little weakling didn’t even fight it. I looked over at Nainx, who was standing by the window flap of the large tent.
    “So what’s happening now?” Nainx turned around and looked at me.
    “We are going to visit Forest. We push off in an hour, start packing.” I sighed and walked out of the tent, my feet crunching on the gravel path as I walked down towards the village. I passed many tents and small homes, piglins tending their gardens, zombies taking their children to school. It was a peaceful village. I groaned and pushed open my tent door, groaning again to the zombie-piglin sitting on the second nest. 
    “ORr RRrAa oRr gRr arraa RaaA nuurg orrRrRrr GRr ara MRR Uurr!!” I said, starting to throw clothing to a suitcase. Grugg was my roommate. He was the hybrid of a piglin mother and zombie father, we had a lot of hybrids in the village. We have lived together for almost a year now, he was alright.
    “RRraAaA Grr orR” He kept his nose buried in his book. I sighed and picked up my duffel bag, walking out of the tent. I made my way down to the docks, stopping briefly to say hi to the old human couple that ran the inn. We were the only three fully human in this town, so naturally, we kept in touch.

-Present Time-

   I heard a commotion coming from the front. I could not typically hear or see what was going on. I forced myself forward more until I was dissociated with Rhys. I watched as we stepped out onto the plank, walking towards the flailing girl. 
Why is there a human girl in tattered clothing, being choked by a fishing net
Oh that's not any girl Nann…
You let me forward?
I wanted you to see this
“Yua lpux jux nadj jiesv ot xusvj, Szsi?” Rhys said vocally. The girl froze, the net still tightening. I could hear crashing behind us and Rhys turned slightly to reveal Forest. Her eyes glowing brightly in her dragon form. Her claws were out as she threw guard after guard to the side, trying to get to the girl, Syre, no, trying to get to me. Rhys smirked as he looked back at the girl.
“N-nann?” She stared at us before she lost too much oxygen and passed out in the net, a floor-shaking growl emitted from Forest as she grabbed our legs pulling us down and backwards until she was glaring down on us, the pale green particles forming between her fangs showing that she was about to scorch us. Rhys closed our eyes tightly when a thud could be heard and our eyes peeled open slowly. The dragon was breathing heavily as it lay on the ground slowly morphing back into Forest, her naked body shivering in the cold breeze. X moved forwards swiftly, as soon as she was small enough and he took her into his cabin, shutting the door. The crew snickered. Rhys kept me coconcious as he walked up to the girl in tattered clothing, dying in a fishing net. I could still see the long scar across her chest from when Rhys had tried to cut out her heart. I was not gonna let that happen. I shoved my consciousness forwards forcing Rhys back. We fought for control, our body falling to the floor. I suddenly blinked and I had won. 
I pulled the net towards me and slowly untangled Syre from it. Her neck was flushed red and her limbs were limp and cold. All of this time and that is how they meet again. I carefully picked her up and carried her to my cabin where I lay her on my bed. I sighed and watched as the last of her scales retracted into her skin. Her hair was still soaking wet but I didn’t care, she was breathing easy now, though she was shivering. I lay next to her and wrapped my smaller body around her. Even though I was 3 years younger, I had fallen for the siren’s song.
“I missed you y’know?” I said quietly in Aquatic. The siren looked up at me with fear in her eyes as she scrambled back on the bed sheets, gripping onto the wooden headboard, her sharp nails digging into it.
“Get away from me” She exclaimed her eyes filled with terror. I looked at her in confusion before remembering that she had no idea the nature of my.. condition
“It's alright… it's me…” I paused between words wracking my brain for the words that she could understand. I could see her frail body shaking as she stared at me, her pupils shrinking until they were only slits in her beautiful blue and purple iris’. She was angry.
“I thought you cared about me Nann!” Tears came to her eyes as she obviously tried not to cry. I could hear Rhys snickering in our coconscious mind. 
“I do! I really do! It wasn’t me! He made me watch, trapped in my mind Syre! Do you know how painful it was to see the person I loved in that much pain?” She froze. 
“You… you loved me?” I nodded slightly. Her gaze softened. “Im sorry Nann” I was abruptly shoved into the back of our mind, damn apologies. 

I smirked as I regained consciousness, I could hear ragged footsteps approaching down the hallway. Syre was still situated at the head of the bed, though she was now sitting down instead of hanging onto the headboard for dear life. I tackled her onto the bed and her pupils slitted shut. 
“What are you…?” I pressed a finger to her mouth harshly before leaning down so that my mouth was next to her ear. 
“Time to ruin relationship” The door opened and a surprised sound came from the doorway. I smirked and hissed in Syre’s ear. A stifled sob came from the doorway and the sound of footsteps running down the hall. A voice talking in the common tongue drifted from the doorway.
“Alright Rhys get off the poor thing.” I looked up and slid off of the bed. X stood in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face. Syre was shrunk into the mattress tears threatening to spill over her eyes. These were not sad tears. These were angry, ferocious tears. The moon started to shine through the windows of the cabin and a smirk appeared on Syre’s face as she reached her hand into the sun and stared at me as she started to sing. Not one pretty sound came out of her mouth. No. This was a creepy, entrancing song. A song only heard by one human in this lifetime. Nann.

S/N: This was a blast to write! Although I am currently writing this on a computer (which I do not normally do). Thanks to Forest for helping get these uploads out. I have some personal things going on and I do not wish to disclose any more information than that. I hope that y’all are having a wonderful day/night. Eat some food and drink some water. Love y’all!

F/N: I want to apologise, this chapter is extremely delayed, but my week has been really shitty and something really bad happened recently, the day this chapter was supposed to be published I didn't have the energy to, and then everything went to shits after that, so I am sorry, but I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did!

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