~|chapter 8|~

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-5 years earlier-
Tw- death

My body shook, my eyes watered, the dulling throb of my heartbeat echoed through me, my sight was flooded red,


I felt strong arms tug at my small frame, pulling me from my hunched position,


The man shoved my head into his chest to shield my view,


His embrace was comforting and warm, yet I felt unsafe,


His heartbeat was steady, yet his breaths were ragged,


This man felt pain,


Yet he felt nothing compared to me,


I despised my name,


For my brothers mangled body hung lifeless on a figure of its meaning.


F/N: Hey everyone, once again, I wish to apologise, this chapter is short, shitty, and late, I haven't updated in awhile because I've been dealing with some fucked up shit at school and at home, so I am greatly sorry, but I've also been very busy and trying to fit writing around a tight schedule is hard, however I am trying x
I love you all, thank you for your consideration and I hope you're enjoying this book ♥️

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