~|Chapter 5|~

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~|Be Wary|~

    Syre watched as the creature threw some strange pieces of cloth at her. What was it doing? These looked vaguely like the clothes that Nann used to wear, but there were no legs. Syre picked up the soft fabric of the white skirt in her hands and pulled it on. The skirt fell just above her knees and was made of the softest material that Syre's hands had ever touched. The creature grumbled something before sprinting out of the room and towards the front of the home. Syre could hear the slam of the door and flinched. She slowly started to undo the wet seaweed that she had wrapped around her chest and folded it up, laying it gently to the side. She picked up the slightly cropped shirt and pulled it on over her head.
    There was a slightly broken piece of glass hanging on the wall opposite the bed. Syre could see her reflection clearly in it. It seemed to be some kind of reflection mirrorer. Syre stood and looked at herself in the mirror smiling as her eyes locked with the eyes in the glass. The only thing that didn't change with the transformation. Her long blonde hair fell down her back in soft waves and the white skirt flowed down her legs, complimenting the black cropped shirt very nicely. Her feet were bare and her skin shone like a newborn's. She smiled at how she looked, spinning around, her feet resting gently on the tiled deep slate floor.
    Syre slowly stepped out of the bedroom, walking up the stairs and entering a darker room that was lit by the firelight of torches. There, furnaces lined the wall, there was a strange clicking and clacking sound that was coming from above. Suddenly all of the furnaces turned off and a small clack was heard near a chest set into the wall. Syre carefully opened the wooden box and watched as two pipes dumped small chunks of iron into the chest, just waiting to be picked up. Syre continued to explore, finding a dimly lit glowberry cave, a deep mineshaft, a friendly looking indoor farm, and a cozy chest room. Syre eventually made her way back to the bedrooms, walking into the one she had been in originally and collapsing on the bed, gasping at the softness of the blankets. Syre bundled herself up in the blankets and slowly drifted off to sleep.

    "Sir, bow found an intrudere so the kooj's lawnumg" A loud voice shouted from the main entrance. Syre suddenly was forced onto the ground, her ankles and wrists tied behind her. She slumped forward, squeezing her eyes shut. If they recognized her eyes she would be in more trouble than she was now. She felt her ground come into contact with her front as she fell face first into the dirt. Syre debated whether or not to use her Song on them, but she decided against it, deeming it too risky. Suddenly a slight tremor shook the earth and Syre's hands her flung around a small wooden pole. Syre's ears could hear nothing but strange words being said before a sharp pain stung her back. A Whip. A singular salty tear ran down her face. She had never cried like this before. Her tears were typically washed away by the water. Not now. Now her tears were sticky and wet trailing down her face and blurring her vision. She opened her eyes in order to blink the tears out of her eyes. Bad Idea.

>1st Person<

I looked up at the girl. My eyes had given me away. My damn eyes! Her eyes, her beautiful eyes, held anger, much anger. She yelled at the man holding the whip. She yelled at the man holding her hand. She ripped her hand from his grasp and walked over to me in a huff. I flinched as I heard the sawing sound of cutting rope. The girl grabbed my arm gently and led me away from the pole where I had been whipped. I leaned heavily into her side, reveling in the musty smell of her. She suddenly whipped around and pulled her bow to full draw, pointing the arrow at the chest of the man she had been with previously.
"Depwa know hooba. Bow ralla couldn't give a shit. Zo bow'm going to have to ask depwa to get the frab off my territory." The girl grabbed my hand, entwining her fingers with mine. My face turned red. She seemed angry but was holding my hand with the tenderness of an angler fish. She led me into the house again, pulling a white bag from under her bed. She sighed and began to gently wash my back and face.
"Depwa woka trouble, depwa know wibbs?" I looked up at her finching slightly as she started to gently rub a salve into my back wounds. She had cut the back of my shirt away, though the front half was still there. I was thankful for that.
"What are you saying? I can't understand you, you know" I said softly, glancing at her. She seemed happy that I could talk but deep in her eyes was a sadness that I couldn't place. She finished wrapping a cloth around my chest and back and then gestured for me to turn around, so I did. I could hear the bustle of sails being raised and a command being given. The girl seemed to hear as well, though she didn't move. After the sounds had faded she looked back at me.
"Forest" She said, pointing to herself.
"Foh-resht?" I pointed at her and turned my head to the side in embarrassment as I tried to say her name. She looked at me for a moment before slowly reaching up and removing her black mesh mask and her hood. I was startled when I recognised her as the girl that had seen me a few days ago.
"Forest" She said again, slower. That time I could see her mouth as I tried to copy what she said.
"Foh-erest. Fohrest. Forest!" I smiled as I said the name, her mouth curved into a small smiled before she pointed at me,
"Siren?" This word I knew. I didn't want to admit it but, she was the same girl and she had seen me. I nodded slowly pointing at myself.
"Seyeren. Syre." My accent was all wrong but I had managed to say two words in Common. Two more words than I had yesterday. Forest looked confused before she realized that I had told her my name.
"Siren. Depwa?" I was confused at what she said so i pointed at myself and said again,
"Syre. Name."
"Syre?" I nodded my head frantically and clapped my hands against my feet, forgetting that I didn't have a tail anymore. Forest smiled and copied what I did. We locked eyes and for a split second I felt like I was falling. Falling into those beautiful purple eyes. I then remembered something crucial. Something I had completely forgotten about. When Forest had removed her mask this thing was revealed. The mark of the mages. I slowly reached forward and layed my fingers gently on her neck where the red mark sat like blood in a clear blue ocean.
"Potestas" Forest said. I flinched at the name. The mark of them damn monters. I could feel my eyes starting to glow. My emotions were becoming too strong. I needed to get to water, and fast.
I flinched quickly, moving my head away and hiding my eyes. I stood carefully before hobbling out the door and through the grass. I collapsed on the sand and reached for the water. I lost control. My eyes went blurry and my heart glowed brighter. Forest ran out of the house, the sun was setting, just below the horizon. She saw me collapsed on the beach and fell next to me on her knees. My teeth sharpened to points and I could feel my legs knitting together despite being on land. My pupils tightened to slits and my eyes glowed a bright blue. It was like I was no longer controlling my body.
I lunged at Forest. I hissed as I tried to take back control of my body. I really needed water, and I needed to sing. Forest seemed to realize this, she pulled herself up from the sand and pulled a potion from her pocket, a small, dark blue vial. She drank the potion in one swallow and waited a moment. In that moment my body lunged again. Forest dodged into the shallows of the water. A familiar yellow axolotl crawled up on land, obviously panicking.
"Syre! Syre, Syre, Snap out of it, Syre." He squealed at me over and over. I was trying so hard, so hard, not to rip out Forest's throat.
"Syre," I heard Forest say, she was waist deep in the water, calling me to get her. I couldn't stop my animal instincts. I crawled on my arms until I touched the water. As soon as the liquid came into contact with my skin I began to slowly gain back control, I charged into the water, screeching at the top of my lungs as I dove for her. Right as I gained back control, I grabbed Forest's hand and clung onto her like a lifeline. She slowly petted my wet and sandy hair, laying it flat against my head as she mumbled words to me that I didn't understand. A net fell over me, magnets and hooks trapping me in the ropes.
"Bow told depwa zo" The same man that had been holding hands with Forest before, was standing on the deck of a ship in the bay. Both Forest and I had been too distracted with my outburst to notice. The tall half skeleton smirked as I was raised up out of the water. My tail split apart into my legs and my soggy shredded skirt still fit me around the waist. I hovered in the net, it was tightening around my neck, slowly but steadily cutting off my supply of oxygen. Any oxygen, water or air would be welcome right now. I looked down at Forest to see her struggling to get to me, sprinting up the decks of the ship until she reached the net. I smiled at her and tried to move towards her.
"You know much heart is worth, Syre?" I froze as the gorgeous young prince stepped in front of Forest. One face I never wanted to see again.

S/N: HA! FINALLY SOME FYRE FLUFF, I have been so excited to write this. For some information, Syre cannot speak Common, Forest cannot speak aquatic. In order to fix this (seeing as Common is literally English) when Forest speaks in Syre's point of view it is in Simlish. Thanks to the internet for the translator. I will have a few translations of main points at the end here.

F/N- I quite literally had no need to edit this, great writing sy😁

"SIR! I found an intruder in the Sweetheart's home!"
"You know what. I really couldn't give a shit. So I'm going to have to ask you to get the fuck off my territory."
"You are trouble, you know that?"
"I told you so"

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