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I wake up to an empty bed, and an oversized shirt on. I smell it, knowing it was Isaiah's. The smell of bacon and fries call me downstairs, and I quickly put on some panties and shorts. When I teach the bottom, I can see everyone is up except Mom who sleeps forever. I patter into the kitchen yawning a good morning to everyone.
"Hey sleeping beauty keep that Dragon breath away from me!" Dakota says to me throwing a napkin at me.
"Fuck you. You're just jealous that I look this good after waking up." I say flipping my hair.
"Bitch please. You look like you stuck a wet finger in a socket, and your makeup is all fucked up with your raccoon looking ass."
"Hoe. Shut the fuck up. I know you are not talking with that ratchet ass hair and that fucked up makeup."
"You know you just said what I just said just in different words right?"
"I don't give a fuck. Its true."
"You too." She grins at me, and I grin right back. This was our relationship constant insults, declarations of love, a whole bunch of sexual shit and weird ass hobbies. Thats always been us, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She walks past me and I smack her ass and she turns around to hit me.
"Stop doing that."
"Nah. I LOVE ass." I tell her. Its not a lie. I like asses, its just a thing for me. I'll check out a girls ass in public, on the computer, or the T.V and the same for guys. If you got a nice butt believe me when I say Im looking at it. She laughs and smack my ass.
"Ooh I like it." I tell her, a smile on my face. This is basically routine and no one comments, they know this is normal for us.
"What are we eating?" I ask.
"BLT's, chili cheese fries, and your choice of beverage." Isaiah informs me. Deja is watching Andre glide around the kitchen, her eyes gleaming with happiness.
"Deja got the D." I whisper to her. She looks at me, a smile flush on her lips as she leans in and says
"Like I didn't hear you last night." I look at her and see her wicked grin. I have one of my own on my face as well.
"Should I replay my audio of last night? 'Dre! Aghh!" I moan I to her ear, laughing when she turns pink. I reach up trying to get my mug, standing on my tip toes but it's still to damn high up. Im prepared to hop onto the counter when Isaiah leans against me grabbing it from the top counter. I smile and say thanks, pulling him down so I can steal a kiss.
"Deja put my stuff on the top again and Ill kick your ass!" I tell her.
"Not my fault your ass is still the same height as when you entered 6th grade."
"Shut up giant." I say sticking my tongue out at her.
"Whatever dwarf." She replies back. Deja and I were forever picking at each others height. I was a 'dwarf' and she was a 'giant' because I was 5'2 and she was 6'2. A whole foot difference in height but we were as close as can be. We were proud of each other even through all the petty sibling drama. Deja worked as a model when she wasn't at college trying to earn her nurses degree and train to become a midwife, and playing women's college basketball. Yep. She had it going good for her in life. And here I was. Forever short, no chance at being a model that walks runways but I could be a hair or nails model, Ive been asked. Its just not my dream. I want to be a lawyer or author, or even a psychiatrist. I just want to help people. I can feel hands snake around my waist and Isaiah lean into me, bending down so he can nuzzle me.
"Ive missed you." He mumbles. I smile at that, and turn around hopping on the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck
"I've miss you too." I murmur as I kiss him.
"NOT ON THE COUNTER!!" Ryan yells. I giggle and push Isaiah back a little.
"Jealous much?" I smirk.
"I'm wounded. I thought I was bae." Ryan fake pouts.
"You are baee, not bae." I say.
"The difference?"
"Baee two e's is like a best friend/chill with me type of bond and bae one e is my R.O.D. My main, my motherfucking bae." I explain.
"Idgaf" Ryan says in a sing song voice.
"You need to get laid bitch." I tell him.
"I know! I haven't had sex since Saturday!" He whines at me.
"The threesome?" I ask.
"Yassssss. They had some bomb pus-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! KIDS ARE HERE!" Deja yells standing by the window peeping out just as Mya walks in. She sees Ryan and instantly runs to hug him. Mya loves Ryan. She claimed him as her best friend after he talked me out of suicide, it was during freshmen year and I had had enough of all the secrets I carries around and the disappointment I brought to my family. I was done, but he wasn't done with me living. Thats when he became bae (with one e, don't tell him he'd never get over himself). I had no baees just straight up baes and one man. Isaiah was my man. We had an understanding. There was no jealousy because we trusted each other, there was no cheating because he was all I needed in anyone, and I was that for him.Trust me, this relationship had its super fucking highs and its had its super fucking lows, we've had problems some that were unbelievable, but with those problems there was always a solution that had us together our bond stronger than ever because we were tested and we passed.
"Mya guess what baby?" I ask my 13 year old sister.
"What?" She asks. I hold out my left hand, showing her the pretty engagement ring. Her pretty light brown eyes shine and she jumps up and down in excitement, her thick curly chocolate brown mane bouncing.
"Look at mine." Deja says.
"You too?" Mya asks exasperated.
"Yes!" Deja exclaims. I look at my sisters, happy in this moment. I pray I remember this in 70 years, the smile on Mya and Deja's face. They looked so much alike, both some tall ass girls, their skin color that glowing brown caramel, their eyes. They looked like they could be close in age despite their 6 year age difference. The number 6 makes me think about my brother. My heart starts to drop when I think of my brother. I haven't seen my brother in over 6 years, when my dad left. He went with my dad, because he didn't want him to feel alone, despite my begging and crying for him to stay with us. He was 11 when he left me, and he promised to keep in touch but he failed miserably. After my dead left, he left us all behind except Caleb. My brother. We used to be like two peas in a pod, he never let any one pick on me ever. I loved my brother a lot because he's my only brother, and he protected me better than anyone else. 3 sisters and 1 brother. I miss him. A lot. My father made it impossible to talk to Caleb after I told Nick I hated him. Nick is my 'father' but I don't credit him for shit. He was already a distant father after the divorce when I was 4, then when I was 10 he just uprooted with Caleb, shocking me to the core. I hated him. He took my brother away, then he ignored Deja, Storm, Mya, and I. When he did talk to us he was disrespectful and rude, and treated us like an option so we cut him the fuck off, our mom was the one who raised us. I regret that decision, because it caused me to lose Caleb, I could have at least tried to fake and pretend that I loved my dad like he was still my dad. I know Caleb is now 18 almost 19 as I am almost 18. We have the same birthday, Irish twins or something people used to call us.
"I miss Caleb. I wish he were here, he could walk us down the aisle." I mutter to myself, but everyone heard me anyways. My eyes are filling with unshed tears and Im willing them to disappear in my head over and over I hate crying it always gave me a headache.
"Maybe we should call him?" Deja asks.
"Do you have his number?" I ask, this being news to me.
"No. But this isnt the 15th century. We have internet and Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, shall I go on?"
I feel stupid. I never thought of using social media to find my 'long lost brother. Ryan hands me his phone and I log onto Facebook instantly going to the search bar. Caleb Smith. I groan as I see there are far to many people named Caleb Smith, and I have no idea what an adult Caleb would look. I highly doubt we have any mutual friends. This is all just to much for me. Tears sting my eyes as I say
"I don't think I'll find him." I hold the phone out to them.
"How about we all look for him?" Storm suggests.
"Im down."
"Hell yeah."
"I'll do it."
Calls of agreement were heard through the kitchen and I smiled. What would I do without these people? They were my family and I was lucky to have them. It wasn't as hard as people claimed to have a group friendship last, especially when some one from the group was dating another person from the group. It was easy because we all had a respect, and history behind our friendship. We were all just compatible with even with most of the time we're throwing insults and punches at each other, its just how we are. Weird people that can be weird with each other.
"Okay so what we're doing is stalking the pictures. Look at all the pictures they post especially the tbt's they post. Andre, Maria, and Isaiah need a picture of Caleb. Do you Mya?" Storm asks.
"No. I remember what he looks like." She says,
"Good, okay so look at photos and if and when someone finds Caleb, we all friend him. When he accepts our friend request we message him/ get his phone number. After that its smooth sailing. Eeh?" Storm inquires. Everyone beams at Storm, its a brilliant idea.
"Okay so now the division. Everyone will do 20 people. I get the first, then it goes Dakota, Ryan, Deja, Andre, Mya, Maria, Isaiah, and Nakoema. Got it? Lets go." Storm claps her hands and at that we all get on a phone, iPod, iPad, or computer that's available at the moment and start looking for the right Caleb Smith, eating the delicious meal that Andre and Isaiah so kindly made for us in the late morning hours.

May 4th 2015
"Im so fucking tired. I know 56 Caleb Smiths and none of the are my brother!" I exclaim. It'd been 2 days since the search began, and it was getting pretty fucking old really fast. I think we should just say to hell with the 'only 20 people a day' rule Storm insists we have. She says its for effectiveness but thats bullshit shes being lazy. I zone out as I click on a profile that says Caleb Mawkwah Smith. I click on the photos and my heart almost lurches out of my mouth. There's my brother, and he's living in Colorado Springs.
"Guys. I found him."
Song of Chapter: Jaden Smith Justin Bieber: Love me like you do.
Duh duh duh! So...Caleb? What do y'all think about him? He is going to pop up later in the book so remember him!

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