Bringing them Home

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February 3, 2016

"Are you ready yet?" Isaiah asks me for the 10,000,000 time today.

"Yes. I'm ready. Are you?" I counter back, focused on getting Heavenly and Adan in their car seats carefully. 

"Yes." Was his short response. I roll my eyes and pick up Heavenly's car seat.

"Can you grab Adan please? I'm ready to go home and take a bath. I really really want one." I groan out, the lower half of my body is aching and I feel like I'm going to keel over any second. I don't regret any of it though, looking down at my twins instantly makes all the pain so worth it, because they are  worth anything and at the same time  priceless.  Isaiah grabs Adan off of the bed with his left hand, then grabs Heavenly from me with his right hand, and pushes me gently in the wheelchair with his leg.

"I can walk!" I protest, mainly because I just wanted to hold one of my babies.

"Nah, not happening. Dad, come wheel her please." Isaiah says, peeping his head out of the door. Our parents haven't left here ever since I pushed the little boogers out of me and allowed people in the room with us.

Adan Phoenix Young was born on January 25, 2016 at 11:57 pm, weighing a staggering 5lb 3oz, and Heavenly Unique Young was born January 26, 2016 at 12:02 am, weighing a whopping 5lbs, 2oz. 

Jose comes behind me and takes Isaiah's place behind me and pushes me towards the front of the Hospital doors, my mom and Naomi are already there. I get out of  the wheelchair, and walk towards Antonio.

"I'm not even going to ask how he got here, just take me home." I sigh once I see that he's here. I just saved someone a death by being to drained to care. Ma and Naomi have Adan and Heavenly and are trying to slowly make way to their car.

"And where do you two think you're going with my babies?" I demand, hands on hips with ab stern look. I am not letting them out of my sight, they're only a week old.

"To the car?" Naomi says as more of a question.

"Wrong way." I deadpan. They sigh, but comply and I squeal in delight once I see my children's faces again, I just can't get enough of them at all. I'm in love with them, have been the second I went to the doctors and they said I was prego.

The ride back home was long, Isaiah was extremely cautious on the icy roads with our babies in the backseats and I was constantly yelling at him to be careful with my kids. So yeah, an hour later we arrive at my house, seeing about 100 people standing outside waiting for our arrival.

"How are my godchildren? Where are they? Let me see!" Ryan was the first to break through the whole crowd and I smiled brightly at my shortie.

"Wait a minute, it's cold out here and I'm not letting them get sick. No thank you." I say as I brush past everyone and make way to the couch where I place Heavenly's car seat right next to Adan's. 

"Hey baby. Welcome home." I baby talk my daughter once I get her free of those damned straps. Her little body curls and she smells delightful, her eyes closed and her face precious. I set her on my legs and keep and eye on her as I, with one hand, release her brother from his prison.

"Awe, my baby boy. Welcome home bubbs." I say to his face, nuzzling him and setting him next to Heavenly. I look up and see that my whole squad is staring at me.

"What?" I ask them.

"Can I hod him?"

"Can I hold her?"

"I'm the Godmother right?"

"I'm the Godfather right?"

"Obviously not I am."

"When were they born?"

"The Nicks had their baby too." They bombard me with these things.

"Hold the front door! The Nicks had Bliss? When, where, how I need information." I say passing my son to an eager looking Ryan and my daughter to an equally eager Maria.

"Yeah they had her on the first, they should be popping up here real soon." Deja informs me. Speaking of popping up...

"Where are my other children? Atlas, Chaos, Cannabis, Mary Jane!" I call out, greeted with the sound of thunder and a blur of white. Atlas in up and at my feet in .02 seconds and Chaos is almost on my lap while Mary Jane and Cannabis are behind me on  the couch.

"Mommy missed her babies, yes she did oh yes she did. Were you good for grandma and aunties? How are you my babes?" I ask my animals, rolling on the floor with them. I kiss their faces and allow them to lick my cheeks and I can't stop smiling. A short loud gurgle breaks through and instantly I'm up, and checking my babies, but it's not them.

"Nicole!" I scream when I see her.

"Nakoema!" She screams back and we do that whole dramatic run to each other and hug fiercely thing.

"I missed you." We both say. I refused to leave the hospital when I had my babies, stayed the whole week they had them. I watch Baby Nappers and Jane the Virgin, shit ain't happening to me, nah.

I look to see Nik holding a purple car seat.

'Is that Bliss? Can I see her?" I ask. Nik nods and makes way to the couch, and sets Bliss down.

I look into the car seat and see a stunning baby girl. Her hair is blonde and her cheeks rosy, her lips puckered and her eyes green, her skin the same tone as Nicole's and her little body is so small.

"Aww." I gasp at her, then motion to hold her. Nicole nods and I pick up her baby girl, this little cutie pie. I nuzzle her and take in the delightful smell that is baby. 

The  day goes by with Nicole and I telling everyone the pain you go through for childbirth and how we would do it time and time again for these children, then we let the babes interact with each other. Despite the week in age difference, they're all pretty much the same size. I'd say that today was fun, up until the crying began. Heavenly let out a piercing cry, which resulted in Adan crying, which resulted in Bliss crying. 

"Isaiah I swear to all that is holy if you do not feed my son I will castrate you." I growl while I rush around the room, looking for Heavenly's pre-pumped bottle.

"Jeeze woman I'm on it." He chuckles. I fail to realize what is funny, but hold my tongue as I give up on the bottle and just breast feed her right then and there. Most of the squad left and all that was left in the house was Nicole, Nikolas, Isaiah and I. The parents. The others went to watch a movie and then they'd go to the theme park inside the mall. In short they left us, but I didn't mind because I love these children and would give up a lifetime of movies and theme parks to make them happy.

"Um, Koma I can see your boobs." Nic says with a chuckle. I just shrug, but I do attempt to cover myself better. After Heavenly is full and burped I check on Adan and see him sleeping peacefully next to Bliss in the big bassinet in  the living room. I aww, take a picture and then set Heavenly in with them, then repeat the whole process. 

Plopping on the couch with my fiance, baby mama and her man we put in a movie and discuss how happy we are that now our children are home.


Hey y'all. I'm sorry about the long wait but I had no choice. My WIFI signal is flooky and my iPad is gone, and I refused to log out of Wattpad on my phone. Excuses. I know but hey at least it's here. Next update will come soon..ish? Thank you all for reading my stories and staying on  these updates. Remember I have another account kakes420 and there are other stories being written on there. Peace, Love and Cherry Hugs


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