C h a p t e r 6

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I left challan's room and immediately left the house. I already had her current residence on my phone.

Isaiah will be lucky if he could breathe properly when I'm done with him. I quickly drove off and shortly arrived at the apartment.

I sat there for a few hours to see if anyone would come out but no one did. I became impatient and went into the building.

It's mad quiet in here for people who basically live in the trenches. I honestly had no idea where to go so when someone came out, I asked which apartment I would find Isaiah in.

"304, it's on the 12th floor." Said a woman.

I thanked her and made my way to the elevator. I put my gun in my back pocket and I wish I could've brought my bat but that would be suspicious.

I knocked on the door just to let him know someone's coming in.

"Challan! Hey baby, I guess you finally decided to come back. You realized you have nowhere to go?" I heard him say on the other side of the door.

That just pissed me off even more. He better hurry up so I can give him something to be so giddy about. He treats her like shit. I'm not surprised she ran away because she deserves better.

His little speech landed him a punch right in the face as soon as the door was opened.

"Man what the hell?!" He said.

What the hell, forreal.

"You her little side piece?"

He's so funny. He got me messed up but whatever, it's his funeral.

"Nah brother, you the side piece."

It's funny how he doesn't know who I am. Another blow to the face. It would be better if he lost his eye sight all together. This punch landed him on the floor.

Groaning in pain. As he's on the floor I kick him in the groin. I'll be surprised if he's able to have kids.

"Man I'll shoot yo ass!" He says angrily.

So funny. He got jokes for real.

"Say something else." I say pointing the gun in front of his face.

It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Told y'all he's funny. He had so much to say just now.

I sent a shot flying right above his knee cap. That should be a good enough warning.

"I'll tell Challan you said hi." I said chuckling.

Now I'm just being petty.

With that being said I left and went back to my car. I was more than satisfied with what I did so I sat in my car, smoking a fat blunt.

I didn't even get a chance to ask anything about Prince. My anger got in the way.

I need to feel good about what I just did. As I'm chilling outside of the building, I get a call from Des. Probably asking where I am. Fair enough because I've been gone for awhile.

"Wassup Des?" I said.

Man I'm high as a bird.

"Challan just passed out. I don't know if she's taking anything but we just brought her to the basement."

Shit shit shit. So she's a crackhead. I sure know how to pick 'em. Wait. She said we. Who's we? It better not be my father because I didn't want them to meet yet.

"Who's we?" I asked.

Man I thought I told Challan not to go anywhere. The hell was she doing roaming the halls.

"Dad and I." Said Des over the line.

I'm fucked.

"Aight I'm coming."

I put the blunt out and sped off. I'm mentally preparing for the lecture I'm about to get. Even as a grown man, I still get yelled at by my father.

When I pulled up to the house, I immediately sped off to the basement. I went into the room and seen her laying on the bed while Des checked her pulse.

I'll give Dr. Reyes a call to see if she can make a house call on such short notice.

I don't know where dad is and I'm a little scared to ask.

"Damn that was fast, what if I was lying?" Said Des.

She thinks I'm playing. I don't got time for her humour right now. 

"Desirée shut up."

She rolled her eyes at me and explained what happened. After that we both went and sat in the two chairs across the room.

About an hour passed and Challan finally woke up. I'm so mad at her right now. But I have to keep calm since she's dealt with enough anger.

"Challan what the fuck? You on drugs or something?" I asked.

My brain and mouth are not in sync right now.

"No K, I'm not on drugs. I just got dizzy, I'm still sore from the situation that got me here in the first place." She said.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." I say under my breath.

That's when it all kicked in. She explained what happened with Isaiah before and I was too heated in the moment to get her some help.

The first thing I should've done when I picked her up was take her to a hospital but I didn't. How do I keep getting myself in these situations?

I sped up the stairs and got her something to eat and a couple bottles of water. She's probably dehydrated. As I'm making my way out of the kitchen, there's a knock on the door. Maybe it's Dr. Reyes.

"Hi Kiari. Random call, everything okay?" She asks.

She looks at me skeptically with all this stuff in my hands.

"I'm not sure, there's someone I want you to check out for me. She's downstairs."

As I'm walking back down the stairs with Dr. Reyes, my father catches up to me.

Here we go.

"Kiari, what did I say about bringing more females in my house?" He said.

I open the door to the room in the basement so Dr.
Reyes can take a look at Challan and see if anything is seriously wrong with her.

"Dad, we'll talk about this later." I say.

"This is like number 6 since Monday." He said.

Why is he over here lying his ass off? Challan is number 4 since Monday and I'm not even sleeping with her.

"Challan's different." I sighed.

"Don't care. Just because you're a gang leader doesn't give you the right to bring five new bitches in here a week."

There he goes lying again. Making it seem like I'm a hoe or something. Not cool. We walked back into the room and seen Challan sitting up. She practically jumped when she seen both of us.

Me and my father.

I handed her the snacks and went to sit back in the chair while the doctor helped her.

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