C h a p t e r 7

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"Challan what's going on?" Asked Des.

She sounded pissed. How is everyone mad at me when I didn't even do nothing? I don't even know how to answer her question.

"Well for starters I'm not a drug addict." I said trying to make a joke.

She didn't laugh nor crack a smile. She just looked confused and irritated.

"Did you talk to Ki about Prince?" She asked quietly.

"No I don't even know who that is but I think he went to talk to Isaiah." I said.

"And who the hell is that?" She asked.

At this point she was pacing around the room which made me even more dizzy.

"The guy that did this to me. My boyfriend."

She looked at me with remorse. She don't gotta feel sorry for me because I'm doing okay now.

"Is your boyfriend linked to Prince?"

Ok but who the hell is that? Now I really wanna know. I think he's dangerous but he could be important since they wanna find him so bad.

"I don't know." I said.

This is so frustrating. I gotta get out of here.

"Well shit."

As we're sitting there in silence, a lady walks in. She's wearing a trench coat and has a little duffle bag with her. Is she a doctor? These people must be rich if they have a private doctor at their beck and call.

"Are you the patient?" She asks me.

I'm a little nervous to speak to her but she seems nice.

"Yeah, I'm Challan. I took a fall down the stairs but I'm probably fine." I say.

"Well let's take a look."

She pulls out a stethoscope from her bag and checks my heart beat. I try to relax as much as possible. If I start freaking out, she'll take my irregular heartbeat as something serious.

I miss being a nurse, I think helping people has always been my calling. Getting my bachelors degree in nursing was probably the easiest decisions I've made for myself.

I had to stop because of Isaiah. He seen me talking to a coworker and thought I was cheating on him. He beat me so bad that day, my arm was in a cast for about 2 months.

After that I had to quit. I only worked for about two years but I put my heart and soul into that job. I was so stupid to let him control me like that.

The doctor does a full body check. She said my heart sounds fine so we moved on. She checks my face first.
As she's checking me out, K walks in.

He's holding a bunch of food. He doesn't say anything but he rests them on the chair.

"How hard did you fall? Your face is gonna be bruised for a couple more days. Does it hurt?" She asks.

"A little."

I won't lie.

"Okay, just ice it."

She then checks my arms, my back and my torso. Everything looks okay.

"Can you stand up for me?" She asks.

I do as I'm told. My legs and thighs are in so much pain. My god.

"And just stretch your arms up, then down all the way to your calfs."

I stretch my arms up and attempt to go on the tips of my toes but I can't. My body feels so heavy. I come back down to my calfs and I swear I felt my back crack.

I look at the doctor and she's already looking at me. Then I look over at Des and she and K are also looking at me. I sit back down on the bed. I can tell that this doctor knows something isn't right.

"Do you guys mind giving us some privacy?" Asks the doctor.

Here we go. It always goes like this, even at the hospital. I come in with all these bruises and broken bones and they always start with the domestic abuse talk.

It gets worse when they look at my files. Like I know what I'm going through and I know that it's wrong. People always try to make it seem like it's easy to leave but it's not.

Des and K exit the room without saying a word.

"Do you mind removing your sweatpants? I just want to see if there's any bruising due to your fall. It's okay if you don't want to." She says.

She knows. There's no point in refusing help.

When I remove my pants, even I was shocked. There was bruising all over my thighs. Dark purple and red marks.

Did he really beat me that bad?

"Before you say anything, this isn't from my fall. To be honest it was only 2 steps. The only reason I fell was because I fainted." I say.

"Okay. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." She says.

"My boyfriend did this to me."

That's all I say before I can feel my eyes starting to water. She looks at me with confusion and then remorse.

"Kiari?" She asks.

"God no! He's not my boyfriend." I say.

So that's his name. Kiari. Why does that sound so familiar?

"Oh. Well regardless, I'm so sorry this happened to you. There's really nothing I can do other than tell you to ice the area a couple times a day. You'll be fine."

"Thank you." I say putting my pants back on.

She starts to pack up her stuff to leave.

"Is it okay if they come back in? If you need to be alone right now that's okay."

I nod and she leaves. Shortly after Kiari comes in without Des. Oh boy.

"Thank you for the snacks." I say.

He nods without saying anything.

"So am I free to go?" I ask.

I really should get myself together and get out of his hair. He clearly has enough to deal with and that man from earlier definitely doesn't want me here.

K looks at me confusingly.

"Wait. I found Isaiah." He says.

Oh my god.

I look up into his big brown eyes waiting for him to continue. My heart just dropped right to my knees. I can't go back to Isaiah. If I do, he might actually kill me this time.

"Is he um- is he out there?" I ask.

I'm scared shitless.

"Nah, he won't be coming after you. I found out that he's the newest recruit of the King Serpents. He works for Prince. Do you know anything about that?"

Please lord, don't let me have to pay for whatever it is this boy got himself into this time.

Isaiah has been dealing for the King Serpents for a few months now but I didn't ask any questions about it. I also didn't know that Prince was his boss, whoever the fuck that is.

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