007 : i'm a loser

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Bomi watched as Taehyun skated around the skateboarding park. The park was mostly empty since it was a school day. Taehyun had convinced Bomi to go to the park with him instead of studying. She had given him a half-hearted refusal at first but caved when he promised to help her study more later.

As Taehyun skated up the side of the halfpipe, he reached his hand out to Bomi. She high-fived him as he went by with a smile blooming across her face. Taehyun's face lit up when their hands connected and he continued to skate around the halfpipe.


Bomi turned to face the voice that called to her. She smiled gently at the young male as he took a seat next to Bomi. She didn't recognize him but he seemed friendly enough that Bomi let him be.

"I'm Park Jisung," the boy said with a hand offered out to Bomi to shake.

Her eyes widened a little but she chuckled gently and shook his hand, "Hello, I'm Lee Bomi,"

Jisung smiled, "You have a very pretty name," he commented and Bomi smiled back.

"Thank you," she replied and turned to watch Taehyun skating. 

He obviously noticed Jisung sitting next to Bomi but he knew he wasn't in the right to skate over and tell him to leave when he wasn't even dating Bomi. While he did have feelings for her, Bomi didn't know about them and he didn't want to confess his feelings through an act of jealousy.

"I don't think I've seen you around here before," Jisung said, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh," Bomi replied, "I just moved to Korea nine months ago. I'm here with a friend right now," she pointed to Taehyun, as he did a trick on the halfpipe. "He's the reason I'm here. I don't skateboard,"

Jisung smiled, "You moved to Korea? Where did you live before?" his eyes never once left Bomi, a smile playing on his lips as he subtly flirted with her. His eye contact made Bomi's face feel hot. She felt like she should look away but it was hard to pull away from his gentle brown eyes.

"Japan," Bomi said, "I–" Jisung had his undivided attention on her, making her find it harder to concentrate on her own thoughts. "I– sorry, I can't seem to collect my thoughts," she finally managed to pull her eyes away with a nervous laugh.

Jisung's smile grew seeing Bomi's flustered expression. "It's alright, take your time," he leaned back on his hands.

"What school do you go to?" Bomi finally managed to ask, turning to Jisung.

"I go to Hanlim Arts School," Jisung said, "I'm actually a trainee,"

"Really?" Bomi's eyes widened in interest. 

She had heard a lot about the school that was known for enrolling many K-pop idols and artists. It had interested her when she was first deciding which high school to enroll in but she had ultimately decided on the school that was closer to her grandmother's house and hospital.

"What's it like?" Bomi leaned a bit closer to Jisung in interest, catching the boy off guard.

Before Jisung could really answer Bomi, there was a crash from over on the half pip. Bomi's eyes immediately snapped toward the loud thud and she jumped to her feet without even thinking. Jisung let out a gentle sigh as he watched Bomi sprint down the halfpipe toward her friend, who lay on the floor clutching his arm in pain.

"I guess you already have someone you like," Jisung muttered to himself as he stood up to leave. "It was worth a shot, I guess."

Bomi had completely forgotten her previous conversation with Jisung as she dropped to the ground next to Taehyun. He turned away from her, embarrassed that he had fallen and hurt himself in front of her.

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