004 : coffee

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Taehyun waited in front of the little cafe with his hands holding his phone tightly. He wasn't expecting Bomi to ask him to hang out that day. She had texted him that morning asking if he was busy. The sudden text made Taehyun fall out of bed in shock which woke up his older sister. He then spent the next twenty minutes running around his house getting ready.

He was in such disarray getting ready that Taehyun had thrown on a bright orange hoodie with contrasting blue jeans. Taehyun thanked the stars that his sister was able to help him pick out a better outfit. He would have died from embarrassment if he actually walked out of his house looking the way he did.

From a few feet away, Taehyun saw Bomi making her way over to him. He was suddenly ten times more grateful toward his older sister for helping him style his clothes.

"Hey," Bomi waved at Taehyun as she got closer and smiled brightly when he smiled at her. "Did I make you wait long?"

Taehyun shrugged as he followed Bomi inside the cafe, "No, don't worry, I just got here a few minutes ago,"

A few minutes later, the two found themselves sitting at a small table waiting for their drinks. Taehyun watched as Bomi looked around the cafe with a smile on her face. He liked how her smile made her eyes squish close and how her hair framed her face.

"So Kang Taehyun," Bomi eventually said, catching Taehyun's attention. "Tell me about yourself,"

"There's not much to know," Taehyun replied.

Bomi laughed as if he had told a funny joke, but he was being serious. He was a very simple person, he didn't have any secrets, didn't have any burning passions. He was just himself.

"I don't believe that," Bomi smiled. "What kind of hobbies do you do?"

Taehyun stared at Bomi, "I like to skateboard,"

"Teach me some time," Bomi said almost immediately. Taehyun laughed at Bomi's eagerness and ran a hand through his hair. She liked seeing his smile, it was a bright and wide smile that showed off his canines and it made his large doe eyes turn into small crescents.

"I'm being serious," Bomi replied, "Teach me,"

Taehyun stopped laughing and leaned forward in his seat, his smile never once leaving his face, "Alright, but you need to tell me about yourself then,"

Bomi seemed to think about what to say for a moment. She wasn't sure what would be considered oversharing and what would be considered not important. Taehyun maintained eye contact with her the entire time she was thinking, making her panic a bit.

"I'm half Japanese," she finally decided on saying.

"Do you have a Japanese name?" Taehyun asked curiously.

Bomi nodded, "Only my dad calls me by it though."

Taehyun waited patiently for Bomi to tell him what her Japanese name was. When she glanced away sheepishly, Taehyun smiled and moved sideways to remain in her field of vision. He saw her blink a few times before sighing and shaking her head with a chuckle.

"Ogami Fuyumi," she finally said. "That's what my dad named me. It means 'winter beauty' in Japanese. He named me that because I was born during the winter, but my mom named me Bomi because I was born on the spring equinox,"

Taehyun's eyes widened a bit. He was more than shocked to realize that Beomgyu was actually right about Bomi's identity. He never expected her to be a Japanese ice skater. It made him curious as to why she moved to Korea and stopped skating. Taehyun pushed those thoughts away and then smiled, "Your birthday is March 20th?" he asked.

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