015 : before spring is gone

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Taehyun gave a sulky look across the table at Hueningkai and Doyun. The two of them were smiling and having an animated conversation together. Taehyun was happy for Hueningkai, it was obvious that Doyun was making him happy. He just wished that the two of them would just ask each other out and go on dates together without having Taehyun tag along.

It had been six months since Bomi left. Taehyun was going into his second year of high school with Hueningkai now and he still hadn't gotten over Bomi.

Every so often she would call him, ask how he was doing if anything new happened in his life, and if he missed her. The answers were always the same. He was doing alright, nothing new happened and he missed everything about her.

Taehyun often found himself rewatching videos the two of them took together in the last few months before Bomi left. He liked to listen to her voice and her laugh, he liked to see her smile and the way she would pout whenever he teased her.

Over the past six months, Bomi remade her international debut in ice skating. Taehyun watched her perform whenever he could. He was happy that she was able to pursue a career in figure skating. She looked the happiest when she was on the ice.

It had been a week since Bomi called Taehyun. Bomi told him last time that she wouldn't be able to call for a while since she would be switching clubs and it required a lot of time to adjust to a new training schedule. There had been multiple points in time when Taehyun wanted to call her but didn't. Instead, he tried to find solace in the sparse conversations they had.

Before Bomi left, Taehyun hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend. The two of them decided it would be better if they didn't date. Even so, they wanted to stay close, and in a sense, Taehyun felt as though the two were in an unspoken long-distance relationship.

Hueningkai noticed Taehyun started to zone out and was about to call out his name when Taehyun's phone rang. Taehyun jolted a bit, muttering a soft "that scared me". He apologized to the group before sliding his phone out of his pocket.

The displayed name on his phone made Taehyun's eyes go wide as saucers. Hueningkai saw Taehyun's eyes light up and a gentle smile pushed its way onto his face. Hueningkai shared a knowing look with Doyun as Taehyun excused himself from the group, saying he had to get home.

Hueningkai watched Taehyun leave and picked up his phone as well. Doyun leaned closer to peek over his shoulder and Hueningkai showed her the texts he had been sending with one of his friends.

"So she made it," Doyun said.

Hueningkai nodded, "It's almost scary how much she can get done when she's determined."

Doyun nodded, "Hopefully, she can find him,"

"I sent her the address," Hueningkai agreed, "But I'm sure one way or another they will find each other. They always manage to find a way,"

When Taehyun got outside he quickly picked up the phone call. His gentle smile bloomed into a giant grin when he heard Bomi's gentle laugh come through the phone.

"I was worried that you weren't going to pick up," she said, "Did I call at a bad time?"

"Not at all," Taehyun replied, "I always have time for you," He heard Bomi laugh on the other side of the phone and his heart did a little cartwheel.

"How are you?" Bomi asked, "Anything new?"

Taehyun thought about the last week, "I've been a bit down lately. I haven't been feeling too good,"

"Are you alright?" Bomi asked, concern evident in her voice.

"I am now," Taehyun smiled, "I've just been missing you, that's all,"

"You scared me, I thought something was actually wrong," Bomi sighed, "I thought you got sick or something,"

Taehyun laughed, "Don't be silly, I have a strong immune system. I don't get sick easily,"

"Hmm," Bomi hummed on the other side of the phone, "So then you didn't need me to come back to take care of you,"

"What?" Taehyun felt his breath catch in his throat for a moment. "Repeat what you said just now,"

He could hear Bomi laughing on the other side of the phone. Every second she didn't reply made Taehyun's heart speed up.

Just say it. Taehyun's heart whispered. Please.

Taehyun could practically see Bomi smirking on the other side of the phone. Feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder, Taehyun quickly turned around and readjusted his gaze down.

"I said you didn't need me to come back to take care of you," Bomi smiled up at Taehyun.

Taehyun stared at Bomi, too stunned to actually speak. He heard the call on his phone end but still couldn't seem to comprehend what was happening. Only when his phone slipped out of his hand and to the ground, did he realize Bomi was standing in front of him.

Reaching forward, Bomi was engulfed in Taehyun's arms. The gentle smell of his cologne wrapped around her as Taehyun buried his face into her shoulder. Bomi held onto him tightly as she closed her eyes and let his warmth surround her.

"Are you real?" she heard Taehyun ask her.

Bomi laughed and the vibrations from her laugh made Taehyun's body go weak, his heart doing flips and cartwheels inside his chest. He held onto her tighter, afraid that if he let go she would disappear as if she wasn't even there, to begin with.

"I'm real, Tae," Bomi replied. "I'm staying. I'm not leaving again,"

That was when Taehyun let her go. He held her at arm's length and stared at her. Trying to paint a mental picture in his mind of how Bomi looked. She hardly changed since the last time Taehyun saw her. The only difference was the length of her hair that framed her face.

"What do you mean?" Taehyun asked.

Bomi smiled brightly, "I'm moving to Korea, for real this time. I'm switching skating clubs and will be skating to represent Korea."

Taehyun wrapped Bomi in a hug again and lifted her off the ground. Spinning her in a circle, Bomi let out a squeal of excitement. Taehyun lowered her back to the ground and stared at her before gently pressing his lips to hers.

Bomi kissed Taehyun back before a giddy feeling filled her. She smiled and giggled into the kiss before pulling away. Taehyun smiled down at Bomi and pressed his forehead to hers. It was the first time they had kissed and Taehyun could feel his heart pounding against his chest. He was so sure Bomi could feel it as well.

Her cheeks were dusted with a rosy pink color as she leaned close to him and sneaked another kiss on his lips. Taehyun's eyes widened and he quickly pulled her into a tight hug. Bomi laughed and snuggled her face into his neck.

"So?" Taehyun asked as he slowly released Bomi from his hug.

"So," Bomi repeated.

Taehyun went quiet, his face suddenly serious as he watched Bomi. He still couldn't quite believe that she was standing in front of him. Even though it had only been six months, Taehyun could arguably say that it felt as if Bomi had been gone for an eternity.

"Bomi," Taehyun said, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Bomi had been waiting for what could have been forever for Taehyun to ask her. Her face broke into a beautiful grin as she nodded gently.

"Not scared anymore?" she smirked gently and Taehyun snuck a quick kiss on her lips making her cheeks bloom pink.

"No," Taehyun smiled, "I'm completely confident about us and my feelings for you. I never doubted them for a second,"

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