Chapter 10 "The Deal"

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"You aren't dead". ??? Said

Calvin looked up to see a slim tall figure.
It had puppet like features, white buttons and stripes. It wore a smile with purple tears running from each eye.

"How?". Said Calvin

"I revived you." Said the Puppet.

She revealed herself.
Her eyes were deep empty sockets with 2 white specks for eyes.

"W-what are you?" Said Calvin.

"I am the giver of life... I am the beacon of hope for so many innocent souls.." Said the Puppet

Calvin noticed she was floating.

"My life was taken by a man who suffered the same fate you have found yourself in today... which is why I am here." Said the Puppet

"Who are you?" Calvin said

She paused for a few minutes.

"My... name is Charlotte".

"Charlotte ... Emily?" Calvin asked.

"Yes, how did you know that?".

"Well it was all over the news when it happened... I did my research". Calvin said

"You went missing at the old diner."
"You were young" Said Calvin

She looked at the ceiling.

"That is correct". Said Charlotte

"But the reason I am reviving you is because I need help...". Said Charlotte

"There is a new Pizzeria that is very popular". Said Charlotte

"The Pizza Plex?" Said Calvin


"The man that murdered me is using that place to harbor and murder even more children." Said Charlotte

"How?" Said Calvin

"He's using mind control"

"He brainwashed the security guard that works there, now she brings the children to him". Said Charlotte

"We have to stop him!" Said Calvin

"That's why I am here... I need you help". Said Charlotte

"I'll help you... I just need to get to the Pizza Plex". Said Calvin

"But first of all.. why am I tied up, and why is this dammed suit still on me?" Said Calvin

"I'll fix that for you" Said Charlotte

She raised an arm and before Calvin could blink, he was freed and out of the suit.

She placed her arm on Calvin's head.

"Shhh... just close your eyes". Said Charlotte

Calvin didn't tell Charlotte the actual reason that he wanted to go to the Pizza Plex. But he figured Charlotte was focused on the task at hand. She was...


Calvin opened his eyes.

He could feel the outside breeze brushing against the hairs on his arms. Fresh air felt so nice after what he had been through.
They were in front of the Mega Pizza Plex.

It was dark outside, so it must have been after hours.
Charlotte was no where to be found but he could feel her presence near.
She was there with him.
The front doors were locked. He had no way in.

"How am I supposed to get in". Calvin asked

Charlotte appeared before him.
She turned around and grabbed the lock.
It was almost like the second she touched it, the lock spontaneously combusted and snapped open. This was a massive building, however the only thing keeping intruders out, was a small metal lock. That was strange.

Once they got into the Main entrance, they were greeted with bright neon lights illuminating the massive golden Freddy statue.. Calvin was immediately flooded with memories.

 Calvin was immediately flooded with memories

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It made Calvin a little misty eyed. He missed her so badly. He could feel that she was close.

They traversed up the steps towards Rockstar Row. Where Calvin immediately went to Roxanne's room.

She was no where to be found.

None of them were, for that matter.


"Yes Calvin?"

"Before we stop William Afton and his Apprentice, I need to see someone." Calvin said

"Who is this person?" Said Charlotte

"Uh... she's not really a person".
"She's an animatronic"
Said Calvin

"Oh... alright then" Said Charlotte

"She's a person to me, though". Added Calvin

The Puppet looked at him strangely.

"Can she assist us?" Asked Charlotte

"Oh definitely". Said Calvin

"Then it's my first priority to find her, where is she?" Asked Charlotte

Follow me... Said Calvin

Do you guys like the direction I'm going with this story? I thought it was getting a little bit stale and needed something to spice it up. I think you'll all be happy with where I'm going with this though. At least I hope so. Anyways let me know what y'all think so far.


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