chapter 4

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the Chen family's Jiangshan is in jeopardy

Inside the hotel suite, clothes, sheets and pillows were scattered around the luxurious king-size bed, and the sheets were in disarray, all signs of what a wild night the owner of the bed had.

In the bathroom, the shower water fell from a high place, clattering.


Chen Zhiyu's powerful fist smashed against the bathroom tiles, splashing water in all directions, facing the shower, he yelled, "How come, how come you didn't hold it?!"

After yelling, he slammed his fist on the tiles again, ignoring the redness and swelling of his bones. The self-control he had prided himself on had collapsed under the influence of drugs. He spat at himself with anger.

Once determined to remain a virgin for the rest of his life, only twenty-five years later, he broke his fast. And so completely, thoroughly broken! Thinking back to his prodigal behaviour last night, Chen Zhiyu raised his head and let tears and bath water cloud his eyes.

His innocence!

He lowered his head, looked at the "aggrieved" long strip of flesh and spitefully said, "Why are you so un-satiable!" Once he thought he could overcome the most primitive of human desires, under the influence of drugs and the initiative of the little "fan", he was completely defeated. His mind erased the memory of him taking the initiative to hold the other party, and he was certain that it was the little "fan" who took the initiative.

He was a good and wealthy man, decent and handsome, the richest man in China at a young age, and the object of affection of thousands of men and women. He has refused the embrace of thousands of people, but he did not expect to fall into the hands of a little fool last night when he was a little soft-hearted.

After showering and dressing, Chen Zhiyu sat on the terrace with a cigarette in his mouth, remembering his lost virginity.

Half an hour later, he picked up his cell phone, "Secretary Li, did any strangers come to the company to look for me today?"

"Mr. Chen, no."

"Are you sure?!"

"Mr Chen, I'm very sure."

"Is there ...... a pretty-looking, but a bit naive-looking person wandering around in front of the company?"

"Mr Chen, I'll go down and check right away."

Five minutes later, Secretary Li called.

"Mr Chen, there's no one at the entrance of the company."

Chen Zhiyu: "......"


The Chen family mansion is gilded and glorious.

Mrs Chen took a beauty nap, was served a bowl of bird's nest and sipped it slowly and deliberately. She put a pile of documents in front of her, all marriageable and excellent single young women. She casually flipped through them twice and sighed in frustration, "What kind of person do you think our Zhiyu would like?!"

After handing over the family business to his son, Master Chen spent his days at home raising cats and flowers, and when he heard this, the cat in his arms didn't smell good anymore, "How should I know, when I was twenty-five, Zhiyu was already playing with soy sauce!"

Mrs Chen was so angered, "This child, why is he so clueless!?"

Master Chen hugged the cat in his arms tightly and whispered, "Wife, now the policy encourages childbirth, why don't we have another one? I can't let the Chen family's bloodline be broken in my hands."

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