chapter 7

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you've been used!!

Because human lives were at stake, the police and school police soon arrived at the school, and the security guards put the drama club on lockdown straight away.

The broadcast looped, "The drama club students, please stay in place, don't run around!!! Don't run around!!! Don't run around!!!"

As most of the school's students are rich and famous, the school authorities did not dare to be slow. In less than five minutes, an ambulance drove into the campus and stopped in front of the drama club.

It was human nature to watch the fun, and in a short while half of the school was gathered in front of the drama club. He Chen rushed backstage and saw Xia Yubin talking to another guy, "Brother Yubin, what's going on, I heard that a lot of police came?"

Xia Yubin had no idea what he was eating in his mouth and slowly swallowed it, "We don't know either."

He touched the stool in the front row with his foot and asked, "Zhou Qian, did you commit another crime?"

Zhou Qian was very famous at the school. His family was the leading media boss in the country, and it was said that the teachers were very polite to him because of his family's deep background. When he was a child, his right eye was injured due to negligent parental care, and his pupil was light grey. He wears long fringes that cover half of his face to block his heterochromatic pupil.

It wasn't known if it was because of his physical handicap, but he was particularly fond of bullying small, soft beauties. Any student from a slightly weaker family background who was good-looking would be forced to become his little boyfriend, he plays with him for a while, get bored, and then dump him.

But his reputation in the outside world is extremely good. So, because the heat would be on his family, even if something scandalous happens, they would immediately set things right with money.

Zhou Qian pinched a peanut and put it in front of his nose, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then put it into his mouth contentedly, chewing and laughing at the same time, "I haven't had time to commit a crime yet. Even if I did, would the police dare to arrest me? My grandfather is ......"

Before he could finish his sentence, a group of policemen rushed into the background, pointing at him and saying in a stern voice, "That's him, quick! He's still eating!"

Zhou Qian froze for a moment and was just about to lash out when a doctor in a white coat rushed forward, pressed his neck, put two fingers together, and stuck them directly into his throat.

Before Zhou Qian had time to react, he vomited with a loud "bleugh".

When he had finished vomiting, the policeman asked, "Has anyone else eaten Xia Qing Shu's peanuts?

Xia Yubin pursed his lips and silently took a step back. The backstage dressing room was small, usually stacked with a few make-up props, and at this time it was filled with Zhou Qian's vomit, smelling so bad it made people weep.

One after another, people came in behind them, and Xia Yubin and He Chen were blocked, in a dilemma.

"These two students, have you eaten Xia Qing Shu's classmate's peanuts?" The police asked.

They contacted the school police on the way to transfer the surveillance and found that it was Zhou Qian who had taken Xia Qing Shu's snacks and put something else into Xia Qing Shu's school bag. Because it happened at the school, and considering that school bullies work in groups, they were afraid that there might be a leak.

He Chen shook his head, "No!"

Xia Yubin also followed and shook his head slowly, hesitating before speaking, "No ......"

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