Chapter 5: MPK

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Horunka wasn't a big village. It was a small safe-haven where no players could be hurt, due to the anti-crime code. The small settlement consisted of ten buildings, two of which were shops. One to buy weapons and one to buy tools. The biggest building in the town, if you could even call it that, was an inn where players could come to rent a room to spend the night or just to eat and drink. The other seven buildings where houses where the NPCS live. One of which accomodated the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest.

You arrived at the village and directly went for the weapons shop. There you bought your equipment that you had at the bèta test: your black hood, a metal chestplate and some daggers. This also went for your sister, but with even more daggers as they were her main weapons as well. Kirito also got a metal chestplate and nothing more. "Good idea to hide some knifes in your boots. They might save your life one day." He said. "That's the idea behind it. They also might take another's" you replied. "About that. How do you stand in it? Killing players, I mean. It's basically the equivalent of murder now." "Getting to the heavy topics barely after we heard all of this. Do you want a morally right awnser or an honest one?" you asked Kirito. "I would never kill a player!" your sister declared. "An honest one, please." said Kirito, as if your sister is non-existent. "Well in that case I'll cut straight to the chase. I will kill players, if that means that I'll live to see another day. I won't attack or kill players initially. But I will hurt and kill them out of self-defense." "(Y/N)!" yelled your sister. "What?!" you said, not bothering to correct her on the fact that she used your real name in front of Kirito. "Would you really do that?" your sister asked with a slightly scared tone that you picked up on. "Unfortunately, yes I will and that is also why I asked if Kirito wanted a morally right awnser or a honest one. I'll hurt and kill, but only to protect us. I will never kill someone without a reason. I promise." you said in an attempt to console her and you laid your hand on her shoulder, while crouching a bit to look her straight in the eye. She nodded and hugged you. After she let you go y'all made your way to the house to initiate the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest.

Once you arrived in front of the house, you knocked on the door. A female NPC by the age of her late-twenties awnsered and invited you in. You discussed with Kirito and worked out that you and your sister should go first and that he will wait till you're finished. So you and your sister went in. She offered you both a glass of water, claiming she had nothing else at the moment. So far everything went like it did on the bèta. You went outside and talked to Kirito. "So far nothing has changed from the bèta, Ki." "Okay, well I didn't think it would, but you never know. So it's my turn now?" he asked. "Yep." you said. He went in and you both waited outside for him to finish. You had to go and grind monsters for this quest, which is exhausting, lame and dangerous. So the more people you had the better it was. It also made the whole process more effective. Y'all went to the woods. The red cursors of the Little Nepenthes and other monsters popped up. You just wanted to start as you saw another young boy in the forest with  slightly long brown hair and average height. His features gave off the impression of him being a serious person. His equipment consisted of a light leather armor and buckler bought at Horunka Village, as well as his starting weapon, a Small Sword. He walked up to you and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Coper. I assume that all of you are here because of the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest?" "We are indeed." "In that case I would like a to make a proposal. Allow me to go grind with you on these Little Nepenthes. The more people, the better, right?" he said. "That's fine by me but I don't know what the others think." you said. "Kirito?" Kirito spoke up: "I'm fine with it." You then looked at your sister. "(S/N)?" "If it makes the process more efficient, I don't see why not." "In that case, welcome to the team, Coper." you said. "Alright let's go." All four of you made your way to the forest. Due to your Search skill numerous red cursors popped up, indicating the monsters. You then went and slaughtered every single Little Nepenthes in the vicinity. After a couple of hours a Little Nepenthes spawned in with a flower on top of its head. This was the monster all of you had been looking for, since this one would drop the Little Nepenthes Ovule. The item that would complete the quest. Kirito ran at it, slashing and swinging his sword left and right, killing other Little Nepenthes in the process. He then jumped and preformed a horizontal cutting the flower off of the monster, hitting its weak point and directly killing it. When the Little Nepenthes with the flower spawned in another one spawned too, but with a red fruit on top of its head instead of a flower. When this fruit is hit it'll spread an odour that will attract all the other monsters in the area. Coper went to slash it, which was weird considering that he was a bèta tester too. Which could only mean one thing:

He was trying to MPK you.

A MPK. A monster player kill. The act wherein one player tries to kill another by gathering a lot of monsters and lead them to the target. This was always risky, since the plan could backfire and kill the MPK'er him/herself. Coper hit the red fruit with a vertical, hitting the monster's weak spot and directly killing it. He then hid behind some bushes. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" you yelled, "If we get outta here alive, that is." More and more monsters came and were closing in on you, your sister and Kirito. You then ran at one and thrusted straight into its head, draining 70 percent of the health bar. You then brought your sword to the left with your right and initiated horizontal to finish it off. You then spinned 180 degrees, while preforming a slant in the process and killing the monster behind you. You then looked around and saw that your sister and Kirito were handling themselves fine. A small group of Little Nepenthes were closing in on Coper who was hiding, probably hoping his hiding skill would deceive the Little Nepenthes. Every player has two skill slots. One skill slot is always reserved for the kind of weapon you're using, while the other is an extra one. In your case one was occupied by the skill to wield an one-handed sword and the other one was the search skill. The search skill allowed you to see the cursors of monsters from further away. At the start you have two skills you can equip: search and hiding. With search you can see cursors from further away, while with hiding you can sort of camouflage yourself. But the thing is that it only works with monsters that rely on optical sight aka monsters with eyes. And the Little Nepenthes were plant-based monsters and had no eyes, so the hiding skill didn't work. When Coper saw that they were getting closer and closer, he leaped out of cover and started fighting too. Then one threw two tentacles at you. You cut them both and held your sword at waist height. Your sword started to glow blue and you slashed from left to right, flipped your wrist and slashed from right to left, preforming the new sword skill you got know as horizontal arc, killing the creature. The next one was not within range so you charged up and your sword turned cyan. You then leaped towards the Little Nepenthes with an upward strike killing it with rage spike. You then heard a sound that you hoped you would never hear again for the rest of your life. The sound of something shattering into polygons. But it wasn't a monster that died.

It was a player.

A/N: Hello dear reader. If you've read this far, I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my story. Also I would like to apologize for leaving you all on such a cliffhanger and for the fact that the update schedule is very irregular. I'm still in school and it all mainly depends on how much homework I got. Also I'm currently the middle of a test week. I promise that I will try to update as soon as possible. But I'm currently thinking about starting another book too, so I've got a bit of variation in writing. Another thing you probably have noticed is that the length of the chapters are very irregular too. I always have one condition for these chapters and that is that they're at least 1000 words each. No other conditions. That means I make my chapters as long as I feel like or decide to stop it at important moments to keep the tension up. 
Anyways feel free to leave any criticism, but not too hard, since it's my first fan fiction I've ever written. If you like to give me support, that is always welcome. If you have any ideas for anything, you can send me a message or just leave a comment here.

Thank you and laterrrrr - Dodo

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