Chapter 11: Consolation

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After activating your tracking mod of your search skill, you found out that Kirito was on the 35th Floor in the Forest of Wandering. When you got there Kirito was standing on the other side of the clearing surrounded by Klein and his guild with their backs to him and aimed their weapons the the outside. Klein and his guild were in turn surrounded by Holy Dragon Alliance members. You drew your sword and jumped over the HDA members and landed in front of Klein and his buddies. "Yo Klein, long time no see." you said. "Good to see you too, although I wish it was under different circumstances." he said. "Indeed man." you said and then turned to the other guild, "I don't know why my friend wants to do this, but I know that it is important to him, so I won't question it. But what I do know is that you're all in the way and will try to stop him, which I unfortunately can't let happen. So I would advise you to go home and nobody will get hurt." You drew your black, one-handed sword with red markings.

All the members of the Holy Dragon Alliance did too

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All the members of the Holy Dragon Alliance did too. "Go Kirito!" you yelled to him and he ran away.

After a long and tiring fight you and Klein were catching up with each other, but then you suddenly heard a teleport sound. A portal opened and Kirito came out with a hollow look on his face. He said nothing as he walked over to you and threw the item in Klein's lap. "That's the resurrection item." Kirito said. "Lemme see." Klein said, "Target the player... within 10 seconds after death?!" "Do whatever you want with it." said Kirito sounding more dead inside than an actual dead person and he walked away. That was until Klein grabbed his hand. "Kirito... Kirito!" Klein said sadly at first but more angrily the second time. "You... You have to survive! You have to survive until the end! Please..." he cried. Kirito pulled his arm out of Klein's grip and walked away. "See ya." was all the black wearing boy ever said. "I'mma go follow him real quick, to prevent him from committing seppuku." you said and followed Kirito to his inn. You walked into his inn and listened at his door. As you were registered by him as a friend, you could open the door but you waited first. You heard the sound of him tapping some menus followed by a "Sachi?". Then another tap, and another one and then the sound of something starting up. "Merry Christmas, Kirito. By the time you hear this, I'll probably be dead. How should I put it... You know, the truth is, I never wanted to leave the Town of Beginnings. But if I fought with thoughts like that, I knew I'd definitely die someday. That in itself is nobody's fault, but mine alone. Ever since that night, you continued to assure me that I would definitely survive. So if I died, I'm sure you would try to place all the blame on yourself. That's why I decided to leave this recording behind. And also, I actually know what level you are. I caught a glimpse of it before. Event though I thought long and hard about why you hid your level and joined us, I never figured it out. But you know, when I learned how strong you were, I was glad. I was really relieved. So... even if I die, work hard to survive, okay? Live to see the end of this world, find the meaning behind its creation, the meaning behind the presence of a weak girl like me, and the meaning behind our meeting. That is my last wish. There's still some time left. Since it's Christmas, how about a song?" The girl of the recording then started humming a song. Afterwards she continued, "Bye Kirito. Meeting you... and being with you... I don't regret it at all. Thank you. Farewell." That's when the recording crystal deactivated and fell on the table. Kirito started bawling his eyes out. You opened the door and consoled him. "Yo man, I'm always there for you." you said softly. "Thanks." he said. After that you both spend the night talking about the events that took place. By morning you could see that Kirito felt a lot better.

A/N: Hello there dear reader. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know that this chapter is rather short but I felt like of I made it longer the impact would be less. Note a whole lot happened, but you did help Kirito cope with his grief. But now a bit more serious. This chapter has an important point I want to let you know. That is: if you ever have a problem with whatever, could be your home situation, grief, depression, anxiety and so on, talk about it. It really helps and causes relief to you. Not only that, but if you don't talk about it, nothing can be done to change your situation. It doesn't have to be with family, friends or a professional. You could also perfectly do it with a random stranger on the internet. It sounds weird, but sometimes the fact that you barely know each other really helped me talk about my problems. So if there's anything you want to talk about, you can always shoot me a message. As always let me know what you think about this chapter. Support and criticism are always welcome and as always laterrrrrrrrrrrrrr - Dodominic2021

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