Chapter 2: Arrival

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*5 years later*

You came home from school. "Hey, (S/N) I'm home!" you said. Since your parents were gone you both placed in a foster family. After 5 years of caring for you they've had enough and kicked you both out. So, since a couple of months you both lived an in an apartment. You worked 3 part time jobs to pay for the rent and the other expenses and due to the traumatic event of 5 years ago you both had to go to counseling once a week. Some people thought it was really weird that two people that young were living together and it became even wierder when they found out that you were brother and sister, but both of you just didn't care. At school you didn't have any friends because most people would avoid you. This was due to the fact that they were always a bit scared and intimidated by you. You had a giant burn scar around your right eye and another scar across your face from your forehead, parallel to your nose, to your chin. Your height didn't help much either: you were around 180 cm (6 feet) and was build quite muscular. This was due to all the training your father had put you through. "I work on very top secret and important projects," he said when you were 4 years old, "so they will try to use you or the rest of our family to get to me. Therefore you and your brother should know how to defend yourselves and the ones around you." So you started training in all different kinds of martial arts from that day on: Kendo, taekwondo, judo, karate, capoeira, aikido, kick boxing, krav maga and different styles of kung fu. Due to all this training you've become abnormally strong and quick. You already got into a couple of fights in school with boys of your height, but none of them were a match for you. Even though everyone was a bit scared of you, you always stood up for the ones who couldn't stand up for themselves. This caused the people to be a bit less scared, but they were still cautious around you. The only person who was open to you was your own sister. When she wasn't with you she was always surrounded by friends. Sometimes they would allow you to hang around (mainly due to peer pressure of your sister).

Not only were you very athletic, but also incredibly smart in the ways of science. You always scored very high grades for physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and computer sciences. You were not that good in the other subjects though, such as social studies, english and Japanese literature. You thought those subjects were boring and useless. "I mean, I know enough Japanese to convey what I want to other people, so the rest is just a drag." you always thought to yourself. Your favorite subject was computer sciences. You always had nothing to do during these lessons, because all the topics and methods were way too easy for you. So the teacher allowed you to take your own laptop with you, so you could work on your own projects. On the condition that it has to do something with programming and coding. Computer sciences was your last class of the year and the lesson was finished. "Let me see the project when you are finished, okay?" asked Mr. Kurya, your teacher computer sciences. "I will sir. Goodday." you said, waved him goodbye, wished him a nice holyday and made your way home.

You placed your bag on the floor and took out your laptop. You opened your project and made some finishing touches on it. Your project was creating an artificial intelligence to help you get your projects and to make your homework since you found it a drag. Also it would be an AI that could develop itself, much like a human being can. Because you didn't feel like giving it an complicated name you just named it Ai. "Hello Ai." you said. "Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?" responded a feminine voice. "Please just call me Y/N." you said, "I kinda find formalities a drag, ya know." "Very well, si... I mean Y/N." Ai said. "Who is that?" asked your sister. "This is Ai, an AI I created as a project to help me do my homework. Will you say hi to her?" you asked S/N. "Hello Ai, how are you?" she asked. "I'm doing fine at the moment, ma'am, thank you for asking." was Ai's response. "Drop the formalities and call me S/N please." said your sister. "If you insist, than I will do that." said Ai. "I have a question for you Ai, how can you hear us?" your sister asked. "She can hear us through the microphone in my laptop, dummy." you said, "every laptop has one. Oh, and she can see us too, through the webcam." You waved into the camera. "You gave her permission to use those applications?" your sister asked. "Yes I did. Got a problem with that? It's my laptop." you said. Even though you and your sister got along well, you were still protective over your possessions. "Y/N, what happened to your face?" asked Ai. "I... don't wanna talk 'bout it." you said, while looking down. "I'm sorry to pry into other people's business. Should I disable that subprogram, sir? " she asked. "No, you shouldn't." you said. "Ai, can you check if we'll get any packages today?" you asked. "Of course." she said. Then a screen pulled up with the packages and letters that should be arriving today, including track-and-trace codes for the two packages. You could see that the deliverer was just a couple of streets away from your home. Not even 5 minutes later the doorbell rang. You stood up and opened the door to see the delivery man. "Here are your packages, please sign here." he said in a 'fuck my life' tone and hold out a board with a sheet of paper on it. You put your autograph in the right box, took the boxes inside, thanked the man and closed the door. "(S/N)!" you called, "our NerveGears are here!" "Okay, can you set them up already?" she asked. "That's fine by me. But want it to be in my or in your room?" you asked. "Your's is bigger, brother." your sister said, "and you've got a two-person bed." "Well yes, but actually no." you said. "What do you mean with that?" (S/N) asked. "I mean that, yes, I've got a two-person bed. But that doesn't mean that I want someone else sleeping with me. I need the space." you explained to your sister. "Come on pleeeeeeeeeaaaaase?" asked your sister with those big puppy eyes that you can never say no to. "They do say that a comfortable position is recommended when diving in." you admitted. "Yay!" said your sister and she jumped up and down while clapping her hands. She might be 14, but she can act so much like a child sometimes, you thought. You got up, closed your laptop and went to your room.

Your room was quite spacious, but it still felt cramped. When you came in your room you looked around. In the right lower corner stood a big two-person bed against the wall, since only you slept in it. Directly next to it stood a desk with all sorts of things on it. Including a couple of external hard drives. Which were neatly labeled with what would be on them. You put your laptop in the middle of your desk, since that was the only space you left free at all times. Then you got out of your room, got the two boxes and went back. You then fetched your sister. "Hey (S/N), wanna help unpack the NerveGears?" you asked. "Yeah, I'm coming."  she said. "Okay, bring a box cutter on the way please." you ordered. "Yeeeeeaaah." your sister said with some annoyance. "Look, I can also play the bèta by myself and not have you join, okay? I haven't obliged you to do it, but you insisted that you want it too. So just bring a box cutter." you said in a stern voice. You and your sister got along really well. But you still had your quarrels and disagreements. "Okay, I will." she said in an obedient tone. Then your sister came into your room with the box cutter and cut the tape on the boxes. You then took out the NerveGear carefully took a good look at it. It somewhat resembled a motorcycle helmet without a visor. It had a couple of holes to plug in the cables that came with it. You plugged them in and put the other ends in your laptop on which you already had the hardware installed for the closed bèta test. You were quite lucky in getting two places in the bèta, since getting one was already hard enough. You then opened your laptop again and let them calibrate for some time. "That will take some time I guess so let's eat dinner first and then come back." you said, "I'm gonna cook, so you can chill on the couch or something, sis." "Yo, imma do just that." your sister said and jumped over the backrest and crashed on the couch. "How many times do I have to tell you to not do that?" you said from the kitchen with a frown. "A quadrillion times over and over!" she said. You let out a sigh and went to cook. After you cooked some spaghetti bolognese, you set up the table and called your sister. "Dinner's ready." you said. "Yippee." your sister said. This was due to the fact that you could cook rather well. That's why you both agreed on her doing the laundry and you doing the cooking. "So, how is it?" you asked. "It's delicious!" (S/N) exclaimed. A small smile appeared on your face. You both ate your dinner with some small talk about your last day at school. After you were finished eating you cleaned up the table and did the dishes. "Okay, let's see if the NerveGears already have finished calibrating." you said. "Yeah, and dive right in if they are." said your sister. So you both went to your room. You saw that they indeed finished calibrating. "Okay, we're ready to go." you said, "I'm curious of what's like." Since it was your first time going into a full-dive game. You already read a lot about it, but never experienced it first-hand. You both sat on the edge of your bed and put the NerveGears on. "Okay, listen, little one." you said. "I'm not little!" said your sister and she pouted. "Whatever, so we're gonna lie down and then say the words aloud, got it?" you said. "Yes, I think I got it." she said. "Good, let's go." You both lied down on your bed next to each other, with you on the outside and your sister on the side of the wall. "LINK START".

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. Let me know what you think. And as always laterrrrr

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